Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Ghost Trains

It was early in the fall and a-blowin’ up a squall
Saat itu di awal musim gugur dan angin kencang
From the trestle you could hear the weirdest moans
Dari trestle Anda bisa mendengar erangan yang paling aneh
With a mighty lonesome cry came a whistle from the sky
Dengan tangisan kesepian yang hebat terdengar peluit dari langit
And it chilled the very marrow in my bones
Dan itu sangat mengerikan di tulang belulangku
Then a loud, rushing roar, like you never heard before
Lalu terdengar suara nyaring yang nyaring, seperti yang belum pernah Anda dengar sebelumnya
Turned the blood to icy water in my veins
Membalikkan darah ke air dingin di pembuluh darahku
As I watched with rising fear, something strange was drawing near
Saat aku melihat dengan ketakutan yang meningkat, sesuatu yang aneh semakin dekat
And I saw in the clouds ghost trains
Dan aku melihat di kereta api awan

Ghost trains, ghost trains, what a fearful sight
Kereta api hantu, kereta api hantu, pemandangan yang menakutkan
The Cannonball and Number Nine were racing thru the night
Cannonball dan Number Nine melaju kencang malam
Just as they passed me by, I heard the engineer cry
Tepat saat mereka melewatiku, kudengar si insinyur menangis
Give her coal, give her coal, shovel it on
Beri dia batu bara, beri dia batu bara, sekop
You could see the fireman grinnin’, in the engine that was winnin’
Anda bisa melihat fireman grinnin ‘, di mesin yang winnin’
But I knew before the finish they’d be gone
Tapi aku tahu sebelum selesai mereka akan pergi
But he knew before the finish they’d be gone
Tapi dia tahu sebelum selesai mereka akan pergi

You could see the driver’s roll as they shoveled on the coal
Anda bisa melihat gulungan pengemudi saat mereka menyekop batubara
And the black smoke came pouring from the stacks
Dan asap hitam itu mengalir dari tumpukan
As they thundered thru the sky, I am here to testify
Saat mereka bergemuruh melintasi langit, saya di sini untuk bersaksi
You could hear the wheels a-clickin’ on the tracks
Anda bisa mendengar roda kemudi di jalan
Thru the smoke and the steam, you could see the headlights gleam
Melalui asap dan uap, Anda bisa melihat lampu depan berkilau
Now I have no proof, but still the fact remains
Sekarang saya tidak punya bukti, tapi tetap saja faktanya tetap
You may doubt it, but I swear, there were cinders in my hair
Anda mungkin meragukannya, tapi saya bersumpah, ada bara api di rambut saya
When I saw in the clouds ghost trains
Saat aku melihat di kereta hantu hantu

Ghost trains, ghost trains, what a fearful sight
Kereta api hantu, kereta api hantu, pemandangan yang menakutkan
The Cannonball and Number Nine were racing thru the night
Cannonball dan Number Nine melaju kencang malam
Just as they passed me by, I heard the engineer cry
Tepat saat mereka melewatiku, kudengar si insinyur menangis
Give her coal, give her coal, shovel it on
Beri dia batu bara, beri dia batu bara, sekop
You could see the fireman grinnin’, in the engine that was winnin’
Anda bisa melihat fireman grinnin ‘, di mesin yang winnin’
As I watched I saw them fade into the dawn
Saat aku melihat aku melihat mereka memudar menjelang subuh
As he watched he saw them fade into the dawn
Saat dia melihat dia melihat mereka memudar menjelang subuh