- Lagu Former Lee Warmer Lirik Terjemahan

In an upstairs room, under lock and key
Di ruang atas, di bawah kunci dan kunci
It’s my brother, Former Lee
Ini saudaraku, Mantan Lee
All the mops and brooms keep him company
Semua pel dan sapu membuatnya tetap perusahaan
Misconceived of the family
Misconceived keluarga

Former Lee Warmer pulls up the covers to hide in his wrinkled bed
Mantan Lee Warmer menarik selimut untuk bersembunyi di tempat tidurnya yang keriput
No dreams go in, no dreams go out of the hole in his wrinkled head
Tidak ada mimpi masuk, tidak ada mimpi keluar dari lubang di kepalanya yang keriput

Former Lee Warmer
Mantan Lee Warmer
When I hear him play in his twisted key
Ketika saya mendengarnya bermain di kunci yang dipelintirnya
That’s the way he calls to me
Begitulah cara dia memanggil saya
On a silver tray, I keep the master key
Di atas nampan perak, aku menyimpan kunci utama
In every way, he depends on me
Dalam segala hal, dia tergantung pada saya

Former Lee Warmer, an old smoking jacket – holes in his satin sleeves
Mantan Lee Warmer, jaket merokok tua – berlubang di lengan satinnya
Candle lit puddles, arthritic fingers, yellow stained ivory keys
Lilin menyalakan genangan air, jari rematik, kunci gading berwarna kuning

In an upstairs room under lock and key
Di ruang atas di bawah kunci dan kunci
It’s my brother, Former Lee
Ini saudaraku, Mantan Lee
And after all these years, I’ve never heard him speak
Dan setelah bertahun-tahun ini, saya belum pernah mendengarnya berbicara
I wonder what he thinks of me
Aku bertanya-tanya apa pendapatnya tentang aku

Former Lee Warmer peeks out the window
Mantan Lee Warmer mengintip ke luar jendela
When he feels really brave
Saat dia merasa sangat berani
Former Lee Warmer waves at his father
Mantan gelombang Lee Warmer di ayahnya
Out in the family grave
Keluar di kuburan keluarga

He’s flesh and blood to me
Dia daging dan darah untukku
I love him brotherly
Aku cinta dia persaudaraan
But, I don’t want to be Former Lee
Tapi, saya tidak ingin menjadi Mantan Lee