- Lagu Fields Of Joy Lirik Terjemahan

Let’s wander slowly through the fields
Mari berjalan perlahan melewati ladang
Slowly slowly through the fields
Perlahan pelan-pelan melewati sawah
I touch the leaves that touch the sky
Aku menyentuh daun yang menyentuh langit
Just you and I through fields of joy
Hanya Anda dan saya melalui bidang sukacita
All trouble slowly fades away
Semua masalah perlahan memudar
Slowly slowly fades away
Perlahan perlahan memudar
I hold your hand inside my hand
Aku memegang tanganmu di tanganku
Across the land through fields of joy
Di seberang tanah melalui padang sukacita
The sound of music that we hear
Suara musik yang kita dengar
The blend of colors in the air
Campuran warna di udara
All cities, mountains disappear from view
Semua kota, gunung menghilang dari pandangan
All truth and beauty near to me and you
Semua kebenaran dan kecantikan dekat dengan saya dan Anda
With you through the fields
Denganmu melalui ladang
With you through the fields
Denganmu melalui ladang
With you through the fields
Denganmu melalui ladang
The fields of joy
Bidang kegembiraan

Let’s wander slowly through the fields
Mari berjalan perlahan melewati ladang
Slowly slowly through the fields
Perlahan pelan-pelan melewati sawah
I know our love will never die
Aku tahu cinta kita tidak akan pernah mati
Just you and I
Hanya kamu dan aku
Through fields of joy
Melalui bidang sukacita
Through fields of joy
Melalui bidang sukacita