Arti Lirik - Dead London

There were a dozen dead bodies in the Euston road, their outlines softened by the black dust. All was still, houses locked and empty, shops closed, but looters had helped themselves to wine and food, and outside a jewelers some gold chains and a watch were scattered on the pavement.
Ada selusin mayat di jalan Euston, garis besar mereka dilunakkan oleh debu hitam. Semua masih ada, rumah-rumah terkunci dan kosong, toko tutup, tapi para penjarah telah membantu diri mereka sendiri untuk anggur dan makanan, dan di luar rantai perhiasan beberapa rantai emas dan sebuah jam tangan bertebaran di trotoar.

Martian: Ulla!
Mars: Ulla!

I stopped, staring towards the sound. It seemed as if that mighty desert of houses had found a voice for its fear and solitude.
Aku berhenti, menatap ke arah suara. Sepertinya gurun pasir yang megah itu telah menemukan suara karena rasa takut dan kesendiriannya.

Martian: Ulla!
Mars: Ulla!

The desolating cry worked upon my mind. The wailing took possession of me. I was intensely weary, footsore, hungry and thirsty. Why was I wandering alone in this city of the dead? Why was I alive when London was lying in state in its black shroud? I felt intolerably lonely, drifting from street to empty street, drawn inexorably towards that cry.
Tangisan yang menyengsarakan itu menggugah pikiranku. Ratapan itu menguasai saya. Saya sangat lelah, pingsan, lapar dan haus. Mengapa saya mengembara sendirian di kota orang mati ini? Mengapa aku hidup saat London terbaring dalam keadaan dalam kain kafan hitamnya? Aku merasa sangat kesepian, melayang dari jalan ke jalan yang kosong, ditarik tak terkatakan ke arah tangisan itu.

Martian: Ulla!
Mars: Ulla!

I saw, over the trees on Primrose Hill, the fighting machine from which the howling came. I crossed Regent's Canal. There stood a second machine, upright, but as still as the first.
Aku melihat, melewati pepohonan di Primrose Hill, mesin tempur yang melolongnya melolong. Aku menyeberangi Terusan Bupati. Di sana berdiri mesin kedua, berdiri tegak, tapi tetap seperti yang pertama.

Martian: Ulla!
Mars: Ulla!

Abruptly, the sound ceased. Suddenly the desolation, the solitude, became unendurable. While that voice sounded London still seemed alive. now suddenly there was a change, the passing of something, and all that remained was this gaunt quiet.
Tiba-tiba, suaranya berhenti. Tiba-tiba kehancuran, kesendirian, menjadi tak tertahankan. Sementara suara yang terdengar di London sepertinya masih hidup. Sekarang tiba-tiba ada perubahan, berlalunya sesuatu, dan yang tersisa hanyalah diam yang kurus kering.
I looked up, and saw a third machine. It was erect and motionless, like the others. An insane resolve possessed me: I would give my life to the Martians, here and now.
Aku mendongak, dan melihat mesin ketiga. Itu tegak dan tidak bergerak, seperti yang lainnya. Sebuah keputusan gila menguasai saya: Saya akan memberikan hidup saya kepada orang Mars, di sini dan saat ini.
I marched recklessly towards the titan and saw that a multitude of black birds were circling and clustering about the hood. I began running along the road. I felt no fear, only a wild, trembling exultation as I ran up the hill towards the monster. Out of the hood hung red shreds, at which the hungry birds now pecked and tore.
Aku berjalan dengan ceroboh menuju titan dan melihat bahwa banyak burung hitam berputar-putar dan berkerumun tentang kap mesin. Aku mulai berlari di sepanjang jalan. Aku tidak merasa takut, hanya kegirangan liar dan gemetar saat aku berlari ke atas bukit menuju monster itu. Dari kerudung itu tergantung bekas cabikan merah, di mana burung-burung lapar sekarang mematuk dan merobeknya.
I scrambled up to the crest of Primrose hill, the Martian's camp was below me. A mighty space it was, and scattered about it, in their overturned machines, were the Martians, slain after all man's devices had failed by the humblest creatures on the earth: bacteria. Minute, invisible, bacteria. Directly the invaders arrived and drank
Aku bergegas naik ke puncak bukit Primrose, perkemahan orang Mars ada di bawahku. Sebuah ruang yang besar, dan berserakan di atasnya, di mesin terbalik mereka, adalah orang Mars, dibunuh setelah semua perangkat manusia gagal oleh makhluk paling rendah di bumi: bakteri. Menit, tak terlihat, bakteri. Langsung penyerbu tiba dan minum