Arti Lirik - Casimir Pulaski Day

Goldenrod and the 4H stone,
Goldenrod dan batu 4H,
the things I brought you,
hal-hal yang saya bawa,
when I found out you had cancer of the bone
ketika saya menemukan Anda menderita kanker tulang

Your father cried on the telephone,
Ayahmu menangis di telepon,
and he drove his car into the navy yard,
dan dia mengemudikan mobilnya ke halaman angkatan laut,
just to prove that he was sorry
hanya untuk membuktikan bahwa dia menyesal

In the morning, through the window shade,
Di pagi hari, melalui jendela teduh,
when the light pressed up against your shoulderblade,
Saat cahaya menempel di bahu Anda,
I could see what you were reading.
Aku bisa melihat apa yang sedang kau baca.

All the glory that the Lord has made,
Semua kemuliaan yang telah Tuhan buat,
and the complications you could do without,
dan komplikasi yang bisa Anda lakukan tanpa,
when I kissed you on the mouth.
Saat aku menciummu di mulut.

Tuesday night at the Bible study,
Selasa malam di pelajaran Alkitab,
we lift our hands and pray over your body,
kita mengangkat tangan kita dan berdoa atas tubuhmu,
but nothing ever happens.
tapi tidak ada yang terjadi.

I remember at Michael’s house,
Aku ingat di rumah Michael,
in the living room when you kissed my neck,
Di ruang tamu saat Anda mencium leher saya,
and I almost touched your blouse.
dan aku hampir menyentuh blusmu.

In the morning at the top of the stairs,
Di pagi hari di puncak tangga,
when your father found out what we did that night,
Ketika ayahmu tahu apa yang kami lakukan malam itu,
and you told me you were scared.
dan Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda takut.

All the glory when you ran outside,
Semua kemuliaan saat Anda berlari keluar,
with your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied,
dengan kemeja Anda terselip dan sepatumu dilepas,
and you told me not to follow you.
dan Anda menyuruh saya untuk tidak mengikuti Anda.

Sunday night when I cleaned the house,
Minggu malam saat aku membersihkan rumah,
I find the card where you wrote it out,
Saya menemukan kartu di mana Anda menulisnya,
with the pictures of you mother.
dengan foto ibumu

On the floor at the great divide,
Di lantai pada pembagian besar,
with my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied,
dengan kemeja saya terselip dan sepatuku terlepas,
I am crying in the bathroom.
Saya menangis di kamar mandi.

In the morning when you finally go,
Di pagi hari saat kamu akhirnya pergi,
and the nurse runs in with her head hung low,
dan perawat berjalan dengan kepala tertunduk rendah,
and the cardinal hits the window.
dan kardinal menyentuh jendela.

In the morning in the winter shade,
Di pagi hari di bawah naungan musim dingin,
on the 1st of March on the holiday,
pada tanggal 1 Maret pada hari libur,
I thought I saw you breathing.
Kupikir aku melihatmu bernafas.

All the glory that the Lord has made,
Semua kemuliaan yang telah Tuhan buat,
and the complications when I see His face,
dan komplikasi saat aku melihat wajah-Nya,
in the morning in the window.
di pagi hari di jendela.

All the glory when he took our place,
Semua kemuliaan saat dia menggantikan kita,
but he took my shoulders and he shook my face,
tapi dia mengambil bahuku dan dia menggelengkan wajahku,
and he takes and he takes and he takes.
dan dia mengambil dan dia mengambil dan dia mengambilnya.