Terjemahan Lirik - Break On Through (To The Other Side) (Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival, Angleterre, 1970)

Break on through
You know the day destroys the night
Anda tahu hari menghancurkan malam?
Night divides the day.
Malam membagi hari.
Tried to run, tried to hide
Mencoba lari, mencoba bersembunyi
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through to the other side.
Teruskan ke sisi lain.

We chased our pleasures here
Kami mengejar kesenangan kami di sini
Dug our treasures there.
Gali harta kita di sana.
Can you still recall the time we cried?
Masih ingatkah Anda saat kita menangis?
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through to the other side.
Teruskan ke sisi lain.

Everybody loves my baby
Semua orang mencintai bayiku
Everybody loves my baby
Semua orang mencintai bayiku
She gets (high), she gets (high), she gets (high).
Dia mendapat (tinggi), dia mendapat (tinggi), dia mendapat (tinggi).

I’ve found an island in your arms
Saya telah menemukan sebuah pulau di tangan Anda
A country in your eyes
Sebuah negara di mata Anda
Arms that chain, eyes that lie.
Lengan itu rantai, mata yang berbohong.
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through.

Made the scene, week to week
Membuat adegan, minggu ke minggu
Day to day, hour to hour
Hari demi hari, jam ke jam
The gate is straight, deep and wide.
Gerbangnya lurus, dalam dan lebar.
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through to the other side
Teruskan ke sisi lain
Break on through, break on through
Teruskan terus, teruskan
Break on through, break on through…
Break on melalui, menerobos melalui …