Turun dalam kesedihan
Me and the seagulls we were looking for lumps
Saya dan burung camar kami mencari benjolan
They all get scared when off of one of the bumps: jumps
Mereka semua merasa takut saat salah satu benturan: melompat
I have to clutch
Aku harus kopling
I have to tell him his commands all in Dutch
Aku harus memberitahunya semua perintahnya dalam bahasa Belanda
He likes to treat but he don’t like to touch much
Dia suka mengobati tapi dia tidak suka banyak menyentuh
I forget to fix his card
Saya lupa memperbaiki kartunya
Down on Richmond Boulevard
Turun di Richmond Boulevard
Running through the yard, keenly.
Berjalan melewati halaman, dengan tajam.
High on the hills
Tinggi di atas bukit
They laid the sod thought they were full of the fills
Mereka meletakkan potongan rambut itu karena isinya penuh dengan isinya
Now when we’re searching I swear all of the kills stills
Sekarang saat kita mencari, aku bersumpah akan membunuh semua itu
Wrinkling his brow
Mengerutkan alisnya
He takes a sniff and drags me over there now
Dia mengendus dan menyeretku ke sana sekarang
He looks all worried when he tells me a bow wow.
Dia terlihat khawatir saat dia mengatakan pada saya sebuah busur wow.
I forget to fix card
Saya lupa memperbaiki kartu
Down on Richmond Boulevard
Turun di Richmond Boulevard
Running through, keenly.
Berjalan melalui, tajam.
Shade by the sheds
Naungan oleh gudang
I drink a coke he digs a hole and he heads,
Saya minum coke dia menggali lubang dan dia kepala,
Back where they came, where the trucks leave their treads, speds
Kembali ke tempat mereka datang, di mana truk meninggalkan tapak mereka, melaju kencang
Over the sift,
Selama menyaring,
He goes all round it past the end of his shift;
Dia berkeliling sepanjang akhir masa peralihannya;
I make him leave he lets me know he feels miffed, stiffed.
Aku membuatnya meninggalkan dia membiarkan aku tahu dia merasa jengkel, kaku.
I forget to fix my card
Saya lupa memperbaiki kartu saya
Down on Richmond Boulevard
Turun di Richmond Boulevard
Stumbling through the yard, sleepy
Terengah-engah melewati halaman, mengantuk