Terjemahan Lirik - Arnie

The man he stepped up to the microphone and he gave it a kiss.
Pria itu melangkah ke mikrofon dan dia menciumnya.
It was a big wet, slippery kiss.
Ciuman itu basah kuyup dan licin.
And he had sweat dripping off of his nose onto the windscreen.
Dan dia berkeringat menetes dari hidungnya ke kaca depan mobil.
As he looked out over the audience he said,
Saat dia melihat ke luar dari penonton dia berkata,
“God bless you, God bless you one and all.”
“Tuhan memberkatimu, Tuhan memberkatimu satu dan semua.”
Then he took a can of Ronson lighter fluid
Lalu ia mengambil sekaleng cairan Ronson yang lebih ringan
and he squirted it over the top of his head.
dan dia menyemprotnya dari atas kepalanya.
And proceeded to light himself on fire
Dan mulai menyalakan api
as he stood there glowing and said,
Saat dia berdiri di sana bercahaya dan berkata,
“Remember this day.”
“Ingat hari ini.”