Naik di atas roket, saya ingin pergi ke Pluto.
Space foods are marshmallow,
Makanan ruang marshmallow,
asparagus, and ice cream.
asparagus, dan es krim.
Blue eyed cat said,”Let me go with you.”
Kucing bermata biru berkata, “Biarkan aku pergi bersamamu.”
Let's go, let's go, let's go with me.
Ayo pergi, ayo pergi, ayo pergi bersamaku
Mercury, Venus, Earth,Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus Uranus, Neptunus, dan Pluto.
Be in radio communication with you, Hello, hello.
Berada dalam komunikasi radio dengan Anda, Halo, halo.
Blue eyed cat is dancing the mambo shaking hip.
Kucing bermata biru sedang menari-nari pinggul mambo.
Floating, floating, floating in the air.
Terapung, apung, mengambang di udara.
Space walk dance party.
Pesta dansa berjalan di ruang
Bottoms up, drink to space walk .
Botol naik, minum ke tempat bermain di luar ruangan.