Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu What God Wants, Pt. 3

Don't be afraid it's only business
Jangan takut itu hanya bisnis
The alien prophet sighed
Nabi asing menghela napas
The vulture and the magpie took
Burung pemangsa dan sang magpie mengambilnya
The cash box from its hook
Kotak uang dari kailnya
The monkey in the corner wrote
Monyet di sudut menulis
The figures in his book
Tokoh dalam bukunya
Crazed the checkout lady's fingers
Menggigit jemari wanita kasir
Flash across the till
Flash di kasir
The captain posts
Kapten posting
The menu for the day
Menu untuk hari itu
And in banks across the world
Dan di bank-bank di seluruh dunia
Christians Moslems Hindus Jews
Orang Kristen Umat Kristen Yahudi
And people of every
Dan orang-orang dari setiap
Race creed colour tint or hue
Kilauan warna ras atau warna
Get down on their knees and pray
Berlutut dan berdoa
The raccoon and the groundhog
Rakun dan groundhog
Neatly make up bags of change
Rapi membuat tas perubahan
But the monkey in the corner
Tapi monyet di pojok
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
Yah dia perlahan melayang keluar dari jangkauan
Christ it's freezing inside
Kristus membeku di dalam
The veteran cries
Teriakan veteran itu
The hyenas break cover
Penutup penutup hyena
And stream through the meadow
Dan mengalir melalui padang rumput
And the fog rolls in
Dan kabut itu masuk
Though his bottle of gin
Padahal botol ginnya
So he picks up a stone
Jadi dia mengambil sebuah batu
That looks like a bone
Itu seperti tulang
And the bullets fly
Dan peluru itu terbang
And the rivers run dry
Dan sungai-sungai menjadi kering
And the fat girls sigh
Dan gadis-gadis gemuk itu mendesah
And the network anchor persons lie
Dan jaringan jangkar orang berbohong
And the soldier's alone
Dan prajurit itu sendiri
In the video zone
Di zona video
But the monkey's not watching
Tapi monyet itu tidak menonton
He's slipped out to the kitchen
Dia menyelinap ke dapur
To pile the dishes
Untuk menumpuk piring
And answer the phone
Dan jawab teleponnya