Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Dancing In The Mist Of The Night

Under the red sky of a baked half moon
Di bawah langit merah setengah bulan yang dipanggang
The grass was covered in morning dew
Rumput ditutupi embun pagi
The village streets, they looked tragic
Jalan desa, mereka tampak tragis
Filled with magic from the last three nights
Dipenuhi sihir dari tiga malam terakhir

It’s pretty hard to resist it the carnival
Cukup sulit untuk menolaknya karnaval
And the barroom eyes
Dan mata barroom
You stare into all the faces and
Anda menatap ke semua wajah dan
Listen to dingy lullabyes
Dengarkan lullabyes yang suram

Checked in your ticket near Brussells
Memeriksa tiket Anda di dekat Brussells
The train took you to a hilltop range
Kereta membawa Anda ke puncak bukit
Stripping all inhibition
Stripping semua inhibisi
Hoping to see the world inside out
Berharap bisa melihat dunia di dalam ke luar

You all went up to the castles
Anda semua pergi ke istana
The music blaring countless ryhmes
Musiknya menggelegar tak terhitung ryhmes
The tapestry it looked plastic
Permadani itu tampak plastik
With crushed velvet drapes hung real high
Dengan tirai beludru yang dilubangi tergantung tinggi

The stone creatures were staring
Makhluk batu itu menatap
Through your soul with their daughnted eyes
Melalui jiwamu dengan mata nakal mereka
Something stops men from caring
Sesuatu menghentikan pria dari kepedulian
Traped in the wicked endless night
Terperangkap di malam yang jahat tanpa akhir

It’s pretty hard to resist it the carnival
Cukup sulit untuk menolaknya karnaval
And the barroom eyes
Dan mata barroom
You stare into all the faces and
Anda menatap ke semua wajah dan
Listen to dingy lullabyes
Dengarkan lullabyes yang suram