Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Who Done It?

It was a rainy night
Saat itu adalah malam hujan
And all the windows were tight
Dan semua jendelanya rapat
And there were thirteen people in the house
Dan ada tiga belas orang di rumah itu
The owner and his wife
Pemilik dan istrinya
The butler and his wife
Pelayan dan istrinya
Cook with her knife
Masak dengan pisaunya
A couple named Smythe
Sepasang suami istri bernama Smythe
The Andersons were there
Orang-orang Andersons ada di sana
With another strange pair
Dengan pasangan aneh lainnya
And the scary caretaker and me
Dan penjaga yang menyeramkan dan saya

The clock struck one, there was the sound of a gun
Jam memutar satu, ada suara pistol
And I heard somebody run away
Dan aku mendengar seseorang lari
And the twelve who were alive had terror in their eyes
Dan kedua belas yang hidup itu memiliki ketakutan di mata mereka
And I overheard the Andersons say
Dan saya mendengar kata Andersons
Who could have done it?
Siapa yang bisa melakukannya?
Who could have done it
Siapa yang bisa melakukannya?
And I wonder where's the cook and her knife
Dan aku bertanya-tanya di mana si juru masak dan pisaunya
Madam, said Adam, with his wife by his side,
Madam, kata Adam, bersama istrinya di sampingnya,
It was the shot we heard that took her life
Itu adalah tembakan yang kami dengar yang membawa hidupnya

The other couple named Sloan and I ran to the phone
Pasangan lain bernama Sloan dan saya berlari ke telepon
To call the police, but just then
Untuk memanggil polisi, tapi saat itu juga
All the power went out
Semua kekuatan padam
And we heard a great shout
Dan kami mendengar teriakan yang hebat
And we knew for some-one else it was the end
Dan kami tahu untuk beberapa orang lain itu adalah akhir
And when the power came on
Dan saat kekuatan itu datang
We were shocked with alarm
Kami terkejut dengan alarm
For instead of being twelve we were ten
Karena alih-alih berusia dua belas tahun, kami berumur sepuluh tahun
Who could have done it?
Siapa yang bisa melakukannya?
Who could have done it?
Siapa yang bisa melakukannya?
The Andersons were such a nice pair
Andersons adalah pasangan yang baik

Now the owner and his wife
Sekarang pemilik dan istrinya
Both afraid of their life
Keduanya takut pada kehidupan mereka
So they hurried to the door to run away
Jadi mereka bergegas ke pintu untuk melarikan diri
But before they got there
Tapi sebelum mereka sampai di sana
There was a whistle through the air,
Ada peluit di udara,
Then another, then they both had passed away
Lalu yang lain, lalu mereka berdua sudah meninggal
There were seven of us let now
Ada tujuh dari kita membiarkan sekarang
Afraid of death now
Takut mati sekarang
But I knew it wasn't me or the Sloans
Tapi aku tahu itu bukan aku atau Sloans
Cause when the power went out
Sebab saat power padam
And we heard the others shout
Dan kami mendengar yang lain berteriak
We were out there in the hallway on the phone
Kami berada di luar sana di lorong di telepon

That left the butler and his wife
Yang meninggalkan kepala pelayan dan istrinya
And the couple named Smythe
Dan pasangan itu bernama Smythe
And the old scary caretaker too
Dan pengasuh tua yang menyeramkan juga
So the Sloans and I
Jadi Sloans dan aku
Who were both afraid to die
Yang sama-sama takut mati
Had to think of something quick we could do
Harus memikirkan sesuatu yang cepat yang bisa kita lakukan
So we called the Smythes
Jadi kami memanggil Smythes
And the butler and his wife
Dan kepala pelayan dan istrinya
And we gathered in the drawing room
Dan kami berkumpul di ruang tamu
But before we could call for the caretaker too
Tapi sebelum kita bisa memanggil pengurus juga
It was too late for he had met his doom
Sudah terlambat baginya untuk menemui malapetaka
It looked like poison
Itu seperti racun

That left five, five, fiv
Itu meninggalkan lima, lima, fiv