Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu What You Need Is Jesus

Halleluja Jesus Halleluja!
Halleluja Jesus Halleluja!
Now here's the pop turnaround jumper
Sekarang inilah jumper pop turnaround
Hits the rim bounce away the new slave trade.
Hits pelek memantul perdagangan budak baru.
Manchild six feet five but juvenile.
Manchild enam kaki lima tapi remaja.
Thin line between getting bucks and gettin wild.
Garis tipis antara mendapatkan dolar dan menjadi liar.
Brooklyn style hundred thousand miles.
Gaya Brooklyn seratus ribu mil.
Parque tiles leavin ankles broke in a pile.
Pasalnya, pergelangan kaki gelondongan pergelangan kaki putus di setumpuk.
Son got a ticket to fly he can make it if he try
Putra mendapat tiket terbang dia bisa melakukannya jika dia mencobanya
To the sky like a Coney Island ride.
Ke langit seperti perjalanan Coney Island.
Gettin pages, from his super agent,
Halaman Gettin, dari agen supernya,
Community raises at the clout or the cages.
Komunitas menimbulkan pengaruh atau kandang.
No doubt, center stages, mad phases,
Tidak diragukan lagi, tahap tengah, fase gila,
>From behind crazies flippin through the faces.
Dari balik gila flippin melalui wajah.
Paper chases, love that many places.
Pengejaran kertas, cinta itu banyak tempat.
Pros and cons, flics between the races.
Pro dan kontra, flic antara ras.
He hold the rock, call for sweat shops.
Dia memegang batu itu, memanggil toko keringat.
Guard the set shop replaced by sex shops.
Penjaga toko set diganti dengan toko seks.
The highest bidder, no room for the quitter.
Penawar tertinggi, tidak ada ruang untuk si pengecut.
Gave seven tickets, under counterfittas.
Memberi tujuh tiket, di bawah kontra.
Three cities a week, droppin needles.
Tiga kota seminggu, droppin jarum.
Like the black Beatles take heed, what you need is…
Seperti Beatles hitam memperhatikan, apa yang Anda butuhkan adalah …

Jesus (The incredible)
Yesus (yang luar biasa)
Jesus (And in your existence, huh)
Yesus (dan dalam keberadaanmu, ya)
Jesus(The incredible, yea)
Yesus (yang luar biasa, ya)
Jesus(Check it out)
Yesus (lihatlah)

Crack my picture, never swith up.
Crack foto saya, jangan pernah swith up.
Smack the back ups, pack them pick ups.
Pukul balik, pasang pick up.
Resurrection of the two man vocal section.
Kebangkitan bagian vokal dua orang.
The spirit in your dark ass direction.
Semangat di keledai kelammu.
Duckin them spray ups on my way that i thought be lay ups.
Duckin mereka semprot up di jalan yang saya pikir akan lay up.
Won the battle wars, a thousand one push ups.
Memenangkan peperangan, seribu satu push up.
Here marks the return of them rules about Ruff Ryders.
Inilah tanda kembalinya aturan tentang Ruff Ryders.
Risin, chargin hard from the point guard.
Risin, chargin keras dari point guard.
Watch what you prey for, but know the team that you play for.
Perhatikan apa yang Anda memangsa, tapi ketahuilah tim yang Anda mainkan.
Need I say more?
Perlu saya katakan lebih?
Uh, scared of the resurrection,
Eh, takut akan kebangkitan,
Sacrafice yours, them maybe the revolution is basketball.
Sacrafice Anda, mereka mungkin revolusi itu bola basket.
Changes, generanges. Which means rearrange shit,
Perubahan, generang. Yang berarti mengatur ulang sampah,
Erase shit, stuck on Playstations.
Hapus kotoran, terjebak di Playstations.