Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Vx Gas Attack

at ground zero pro independence heavier than air fumes city of chemical
di ground zero pro independence lebih berat daripada udara asap kota kimia
alleged cyanide gas on to karbala what is the difference between
dugaan gas sianida ke karbala apa bedanya antara
israel's plight a belief in outside influence like scalding water a side
Penderita israel percaya pada pengaruh luar seperti air mendidih
effect of their faces and lungs burn a sudden harsh smell 2 weeks after
Efek wajah dan paru-paru mereka membakar bau mendadak yang tiba-tiba 2 minggu setelahnya
still coughing and choking livid skin blisters burn often posters leaflets
Masih batuk dan tersedak lepuh kulit yang berkobar terbakar sering poster selebaran
nightly radio and television programs dead instructions in the
instruksi radio dan televisi malam instruksi mati di
use of such basic devices as a damp tovel lined with charcoal to be
Penggunaan perangkat dasar seperti itu sebagai tovel lembap dilapisi dengan arang menjadi
applied to the face and mouth when the beep beep beep gas attack
Dioleskan ke wajah dan mulut saat bunyi bip bip serangan gas
warning signal sounds the dead were among porcelain face of cloud of
Sinyal peringatan terdengar tewas di antara wajah porselen awan
frozen gas poison jagged fragment jew iranian iraqi bombs sun the
Racun gas beku bergerigi fragmen jew iranian bom iraqi matahari
first cyanide gas warning vx nerve gas
gas sianida pertama memperingatkan gas syaraf vx