Arti dan Lirik - Victim

Please help me!”
Tolong bantu aku!”

“Hostages unguarded, one hostage dead.”
“Sandera tidak dijaga, satu sandera meninggal.”
“Two terrorists dead.”
“Dua teroris tewas.”

“Would you like to know what the diagnosis was?”
“Anda ingin tahu apa diagnosisnya?”

“Some kind of electrical discharge.”
“Ada semacam debit listrik.”

. . points
. . poin
Now the anguish
Sekarang kesedihan
Animate your conscience
Beritahu hati nurani Anda
Know, know their downfall.
Tahu, tahu kejatuhan mereka.
Give them enough rope,
Beri mereka cukup tali,
And they'll hang themselves.
Dan mereka akan menggantung diri.

Hardly a day goes by
Hampir satu hari berlalu
When your hear that fatal cry
Saat kamu mendengar jeritan fatal itu
That hoping feeling
Itu berharap perasaan
To comfort distress
Untuk menghibur kesusahan
So cold so warm
Begitu dingin begitu hangat
So resentful
Sangat marah

Expose the skin
Paparkan kulit
Know, know the downfall
Tahu, tahu kejatuhannya
Crushing, crushing the
Menghancurkan, menghancurkan
Your so warm, with
Kamu begitu hangat, dengan
Its sets into beleagured animation
Set ke animasi beleagured
The ???? so cold, they
???? Begitu dingin, mereka
Trapped to pieces
Terjebak berkeping-keping

Looking for artificial insemination
Mencari inseminasi buatan

Scrape, scrape the skin off your bones.
Scrape, gosok kulit dari tulang Anda.
Inemissive preabduction
Inemissive preabduction
Totally artificial insemination
Inseminasi yang benar-benar buatan
So cold
Sangat dingin

“Hostages unguarded, one hostage dead.”
“Sandera tidak dijaga, satu sandera meninggal.”
“Two terrorists dead
“Dua teroris tewas