Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Morphine - Thursday

We used to meet every Thursday Thursday
Kami biasa bertemu setiap Kamis Kamis
Thursday in the afternoon
Kamis siang
For a couple of beers and a game of pool
Untuk beberapa gelas bir dan kolam renang
We used to go to a motel a motel
Kami biasa pergi ke sebuah motel sebuah motel
A motel across the street
Sebuah motel di seberang jalan
And the name of the motel was the Wagon Wheel
Dan nama motel itu adalah Wagon Wheel
One day she said come on come on she said
Suatu hari dia bilang ayo datang padanya katanya
Why don't you come back to my house
Kenapa kamu tidak kembali ke rumahku?
She said my husband's out of town
Dia bilang suamiku sedang di luar kota
You know he's gone till the end of the month
Anda tahu dia pergi sampai akhir bulan
Well I was just so nervous so nervous
Yah aku sangat gugup begitu gugup
You know I couldn't really quite relax
Anda tahu saya tidak bisa benar-benar santai
Cause I was never really quite sure when her
Karena aku tidak pernah benar-benar yakin saat dia
Husband was coming back
Suami sudah kembali
Sure one of the neighbors yea one of the neighbors
Tentu salah satu tetangga ya salah satu tetangga
One of the neighbors that saw my car
Salah satu tetangga yang melihat mobil saya
And they told her yea they told her
Dan mereka memberitahunya ya, mereka memberitahunya
I think they know who you are
Saya pikir mereka tahu siapa Anda
Well her husband he's a violent man a very violent and jealous man
Baik suaminya, dia adalah orang yang kejam dan sangat cemburu
Now I have to leave this town I got to leave while I still can
Sekarang saya harus meninggalkan kota ini saya harus pergi sementara saya masih bisa
We should have kept it every Thursday Thursday
Seharusnya kita menyimpannya setiap Kamis Kamis
Thursday in the afternoon
Kamis siang
For a couple of beers and a game of pool
Untuk beberapa gelas bir dan kolam renang
We should have kept it every Thursday Thursday
Seharusnya kita menyimpannya setiap Kamis Kamis
Thursday in the afternoon
Kamis siang
For a couple of beers and a game of pool
Untuk beberapa gelas bir dan kolam renang
She was pretty good too
Dia juga cukup bagus