Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - The Retreat

They laid beneath the pine trees with their caps over their eyes
Mereka meletakkan di bawah pohon pinus dengan topi mereka di atas mata mereka
They were drunk with home and mama as they brushed away the flies
Mereka mabuk dengan rumah dan mama saat mereka mengusir lalat
In an instant before the sunrise they had gunned the rebels down
Sesaat sebelum matahari terbit mereka berhasil mengusir pemberontak
As their flags were torn at half mast in the ruins of the town
Saat bendera mereka robek setengah tiang di reruntuhan kota

There were white sails on the water for the crippled on the beach
Ada layar putih di atas air untuk orang lumpuh di pantai
There was a lack of ammunition so the cause was incomplete
Ada kekurangan amunisi sehingga penyebabnya tidak lengkap
When the bugle blew at breakfast and they knew their ships were in
Saat terompet meniup saat sarapan dan mereka tahu kapal mereka masuk
Signs of grand assurance were carried on the wind
Tanda-tanda jaminan besar terbawa angin

Take it home, take it low, take responsibilities
Bawa pulang, ambillah rendah, ambil tanggung jawab
Came the message from the front
Datang pesan dari depan
For the captains, captains quarters must retreat
Bagi para kapten, kapten harus mundur
Pack the compass, pack the tents, take the bunks
Kemas kompas, pak tenda, ambil bunks

They just chalked it down in history but they kept their uniforms
Mereka hanya mencatatnya dalam sejarah tapi mereka tetap mengenakan seragam mereka
They put their medals on the sideboards and they went back to their farms
Mereka menempatkan medali mereka di pinggir jalan dan mereka kembali ke peternakan mereka
For it was just a mere reminder that they stood beside the best
Karena itu hanya sekedar pengingat bahwa mereka berdiri di samping yang terbaik
That God had saved the chosen few and the devil took the rest
Bahwa Tuhan telah menyelamatkan beberapa orang terpilih dan iblis mengambil sisanya

On the planes above the rock face where the sculptured eagles swoop
Pada pesawat di atas permukaan batu tempat elang pahatan bergelombang
There’s a haunted yell for action among the spectres of his troops
Ada teriakan angker untuk aksi di antara para hantu pasukannya
It was silent on the coastline as the crazy angels danced
Ia terdiam di garis pantai saat para malaikat gila menari
With the sound of retreating footfall from his military camp
Dengan suara langkah kaki mundur dari kamp militernya