Di sini, di taman kelezatan misterius,
Dark shadows overwhelm us and we become blind.
Bayangan gelap membanjiri kita dan kita menjadi buta.
Blnd to the needs of those who would be free
Blnd dengan kebutuhan mereka yang akan bebas
From the grip of fear and the prisons of the mind.
Dari cengkeraman ketakutan dan penjara pikiran.
Amidst the throes of perplexity
Di tengah kebingungan
Phobia moves amongst us, in her hand is held the seed.
Phobia bergerak di antara kita, di tangannya dipegang bibit.
Extermination angel stood beside the road
Malaikat pemusnahan berdiri di pinggir jalan
In violent retribution for the seeds we have sown.
Dalam pembalasan keras atas benih yang telah kita tabur.