Suspensi / Suspend
Wires from the ceiling extend
Kabel dari langit-langit meluas
Suspend / suspensi
Your teeth grind from the tension
Gigimu menggiling dari ketegangan
When the door breaks you are found suspended high
Saat pintu pecah Anda ditemukan tersuspensi tinggi
Above the ground
Di atas tanah
Suspensi / suspend:
Dath took my old best friend
Dath mengambil sahabat lamaku yang lama
Suspend / suspensi
Your life is at attention
Hidupmu sedang diperhatikan
You are found suspended high above the ground
Anda ditemukan tersuspensi tinggi di atas tanah
Above the ground enclosed in wires
Di atas tanah tertutup kabel
What's this?
Apa ini?
Death came you
Kematian datang padamu
He does not respect virtue
Dia tidak menghormati kebajikan
our teeth grind from the tension
Gigi kita menggiling dari ketegangan
as wires extend from the ceiling, extend
seperti kabel memperpanjang dari langit-langit, memperpanjang
Watching peige's rotting
Menonton peige itu membusuk
Suspended by the Suspension of wires
Ditangguhkan dengan suspensi kabel