Arti dan Lirik - Smog Moon

There's a smog moon, in the amber sky, wavering and burning like a golden lie
Ada kabut bulan, di langit yang gelap, goyah dan terbakar seperti kebohongan emas
I fell so far, I didn't think I'd make it back
Aku jatuh sejauh ini, kurasa aku tidak akan berhasil kembali
We are all made, as an afterthought,
Kita semua dibuat, sebagai renungan,
Destined to believe that we are what we are not
Ditakdirkan untuk percaya bahwa kita adalah diri kita sendiri
I'm afraid, but I don't need to tell you that
Aku takut, tapi aku tidak perlu memberitahumu

There's a smog moon coming I can always feel it
Ada kabut bulan datang aku selalu bisa merasakannya
The cartoon trees cannot conceal it
Pohon kartun tidak bisa menyembunyikannya
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like
Saat tinggi di langit, sepertinya hampir seperti itu

There's a lost man, with a bitter soul, Only for a moment,
Ada orang yang hilang, dengan jiwa pahit, Hanya sesaat,
Did life make him whole
Apakah hidup membuat dia utuh
And while he was, he thought he was invincible
Dan sementara dia, dia pikir dia tak terkalahkan

There's a smog moon coming I can always feel it
Ada kabut bulan datang aku selalu bisa merasakannya
The cartoon trees cannot conceal it
Pohon kartun tidak bisa menyembunyikannya
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih

They're not your words, but you're reciting the lines
Mereka bukan kata-kata Anda, tapi Anda sedang membaca kalimatnya
You don't mean a thing, but you exist in their minds
Anda tidak bermaksud apa-apa, tapi Anda ada di pikiran mereka
How does it feel, when they have turned out the lights?
Bagaimana rasanya, kapan lampu itu ternyata menyala?
'Cause you know they sooner would get rid of you, than fight.
Karena Anda tahu mereka akan segera menyingkirkan Anda, daripada bertarung.

And the dark night, has the strongest pull
Dan malam yang gelap, memiliki daya tarik terkuat
We both know that staying young, can take its toll
Kami berdua tahu bahwa tetap awet muda, bisa mengambil korban
Are you afraid of finding out you're over that
Apakah Anda takut untuk mengetahui bahwa Anda telah melupakannya

There's a smog moon coming I can always feel it
Ada kabut bulan datang aku selalu bisa merasakannya
The cartoon trees cannot conceal it
Pohon kartun tidak bisa menyembunyikannya
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like it is white
Saat tinggi di langit, hampir terlihat seperti putih
When it's high up in the sky, it almost looks like
Saat tinggi di langit, sepertinya hampir seperti itu
It's white
Ini putih