Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Pow Wow

I gotta reservation
Aku harus reservasi
For the man who thinks he's brave
Bagi pria yang mengira dia pemberani
He's got a fascination
Dia punya daya tarik
That'll take him to his grave
Itu akan membawanya ke kuburannya
Mental masturbation
Masturbasi mental
Euphoria in the state
Euforia di negara bagian
When your heart's in trepidation
Saat hatimu terguncang
You'll know that it's too late
Anda akan tahu bahwa sudah terlambat

A witch doctor's prescription
Resep dokter dukun
A spoonful must go down
Sesendok harus turun
An addicted condition
Kondisi kecanduan
Gonna put you in the ground
Akan menempatkan Anda di tanah

Goin' to a pow wow
Pergi ke wow pow
Arrow through the heart
Panah melalui jantung
Goin' to a pow wow
Pergi ke wow pow
Rip your soul apart
Merobohkan jiwamu

There's an evil possession
Ada milik jahat
That burns your soul within
Itu membakar jiwamu
There will be no restitution
Tidak akan ada restitusi
You know you'll never win
Anda tahu Anda tidak akan pernah menang

Spirit in the sky
Roh di langit
Your living the big lie
Hidupmu berbohong besar
Spirit in the sky
Roh di langit
You know you're gonna die
Anda tahu Anda akan mati

Spirit in the sky
Roh di langit
Your living the big lie
Hidupmu berbohong besar
Spirit in the sky
Roh di langit
You know you're gonna die
Anda tahu Anda akan mati