Arti dan Lirik - My Love Is With You

I was just walking down the street
Aku baru saja berjalan di jalan
Looking forward to seeing the friends I was to meet
Looking forward untuk melihat teman-teman saya untuk bertemu
Yet what happened so tragically
Namun apa yang terjadi begitu tragis
Really makes for no sense at all
Benar-benar membuat tidak masuk akal sama sekali
Suddenly two guys confronted me
Tiba-tiba dua orang menghadapiku
Saying I was on the wrong turf, angrily
Mengatakan bahwa saya berada di daerah yang salah, dengan marah
They said their colors were black but I was wearing gray
Mereka bilang warnanya hitam tapi saya pakai abu-abu
I started to turn to go back
Aku mulai berbalik untuk kembali
They up and blew me away
Mereka bangkit dan mengusirku

My love is with you where ever you are
Cintaku bersamamu dimana pun kamu berada
My love is with you, where ever you are (repeat)
Cintaku bersamamu, dimanapun kamu berada (ulangi)

Though my life they've taken
Padahal hidupku sudah mereka jalani
They can't take what we've shared
Mereka tidak dapat mengambil apa yang telah kita bagi
Spread the love I've given
Sebarkan cinta yang telah kuberikan
And I'll be there
Dan aku akan berada di sana

I was out playing with my friends
Saya sedang bermain dengan teman-teman saya
You know, doing those silly things kids do at ten
Anda tahu, melakukan hal-hal bodoh yang dilakukan anak pada usia sepuluh tahun
But the crossfire I was caught in
Tapi baku tembak yang saya ikuti
Should not have been in the first place
Seharusnya tidak di tempat pertama
A dropped Monte Carlo came to a screech
Monte Carlo terjerembap sampai tercekik
Someone yelled “nobody gets away with dissen me”
Seseorang berteriak “tidak ada yang lolos dengan dissen saya”
Across the street a man pulled his nine
Di seberang jalan seorang pria menarik sembilan kakinya
Everybody started to run
Semua orang mulai berlari
A shower of bullets rang out
Mandi peluru terdengar
Mistakenly my life was done, oh
Keliru hidupku sudah selesai, oh

My love is with you where ever you are
Cintaku bersamamu dimana pun kamu berada
My love is with you, where ever you are (repeat)
Cintaku bersamamu, dimanapun kamu berada (ulangi)

Though my life they've taken
Padahal hidupku sudah mereka jalani
They can't take what we've shared
Mereka tidak dapat mengambil apa yang telah kita bagi
Spread the love I've given
Sebarkan cinta yang telah kuberikan
I'll be there
saya akan berada disana

My love is with you where ever you are
Cintaku bersamamu dimana pun kamu berada
My love is with you, where ever you are (repeat)
Cintaku bersamamu, dimanapun kamu berada (ulangi)

When you're joyful
Bila Anda sedang senang
When you're lonely
Bila Anda kesepian
When you're happy
Bila kamu bahagia
When tears are streamin right down your face
Saat air mata menempel di wajah Anda
In the morning
Di pagi hari
In the noon time
Di siang hari
In the evening
Pada malam hari
In the wee wee hours of the nighttime hour
Di tengah malam jam malam
In the summer
Di musim panas
In the springtime
Di musim semi
In the autumn
Pada musim gugur
In the cold long winter, winter nights
Di musim dingin yang dingin, malam musim dingin
My love is with you
Cintaku bersamamu
My love is with you my best friend
Cintaku bersamamu sahabatku
My love is with you my brother
Cintaku bersamamu adikku
My love is with you my sister
Cintaku bersamamu adikku
My love is with you my mother
Cintaku bersamamu ibuku
My love is with you my father
Cintaku bersamamu ayahku
I'm with you – (repeat)
Aku bersamamu – (ulangi)
Ban the hand gun – chant
Larilah senapan tangan – nyanyian