Terjemahan Lirik Lagu LeAnn Rimes - Love So Cold

It looked a lot like the same old thing
Itu tampak sangat mirip hal yang sama
I’ve seen so many times
Saya sudah sering melihat
She was aging fast like a bandit
Dia menua cepat seperti bandit
Born to a life of crime
Terlahir dengan kehidupan kriminal
Meanwhile he held his crown and watched her fall
Sementara itu ia memegang mahkotanya dan menyaksikannya jatuh
Just bouncing her around like a rubber ball
Hanya memantulinya seperti bola karet

Through her washed up eyes she could see
Melalui matanya yang terbasah ia bisa melihat
That the ties on her prince were gone
Bahwa ikatan pada pangerannya telah hilang
He turned the radio off when they played
Dia mematikan radio saat mereka bermain
What he once had called their song
Apa yang pernah dia sebut lagu mereka
Well the crystal didn’t clink but they drink up more
Nah kristal itu tidak berdenting tapi mereka minum lebih banyak
And when he stayed out late she knew what he stayed out for
Dan saat dia keluar larut malam, dia tahu apa yang dia tinggalkan

Love’s so cold when you’re growing old and your looks are gone
Cinta sangat dingin saat kamu bertambah tua dan penampilanmu hilang
Love’s so cold when your hands don’t dance where they once belonged
Cinta sangat dingin saat tanganmu tidak menari dimana mereka dulu berada
If he’s heading down to the red light and the local bar
Jika dia menuju ke lampu merah dan bar lokal
Love’s so cold when he shoots an arrow through your heart
Cinta sangat dingin saat dia memotret panah melalui hatimu
Love’s so cold when he shoots an arrow through your heart
Cinta sangat dingin saat dia memotret panah melalui hatimu

Due to natural causes she became distorted and she tried to leave
Karena sebab alami dia menjadi terdistorsi dan dia mencoba untuk pergi
But the winning team had an Ace or two up a crooked sleeve
Tapi tim pemenang memiliki Ace atau dua lengan bengkok
For he knew that her age wouldn’t help her get along
Karena dia tahu seusia dengannya tidak akan membantunya bergaul
And that’s what made his hold on her so strong
Dan itulah yang membuatnya memeganginya begitu kuat