Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik Erasure - It Doesn't Have To Be

You are on one side
Anda berada di satu sisi
And I am on the other
Dan aku di sisi lain
Are we divided?
Apakah kita dibagi?
You are on one side
Anda berada di satu sisi
I am on the other
Saya di sisi lain
Are we divided?
Apakah kita dibagi?
Why can't we live together
Mengapa kita tidak bisa hidup bersama?
There are no rights
Tidak ada hak
This isn't your decision
Ini bukan keputusanmu
We need to talk of changing things
Kita perlu berbicara tentang mengubah sesuatu
But no one wants to listen
Tapi tidak ada yang mau mendengarkan
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu

A heart on the inside
Sebuah hati di dalam
The same as any other
Sama seperti yang lainnya
Are we divided?
Apakah kita dibagi?
Someone always has to suffer
Seseorang selalu harus menderita
We are broken
Kami rusak
There's no one left to change it
Tidak ada yang tersisa untuk mengubahnya
Is that the way it has to be?
Apakah itu yang harus dilakukan?
Why can't we rearrange it?
Kenapa kita tidak mengaturnya?
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
What is the secret
Apa rahasianya
In calling me a brother?
Dalam memanggil saya saudara laki-laki?
Are we divided?
Apakah kita dibagi?
Always one against the other
Selalu satu lawan yang lain
We are strong now
Kami kuat sekarang
Put down the ammunition
Letakkan amunisi
For what we know is right
Untuk apa yang kita tahu benar
Is gonna breakdown this division
Apakah akan merusak divisi ini?
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
(One against one)
(Satu lawan satu)
It doesn't have to be like that
Tidak harus seperti itu
You are one side
Kamu satu sisi
And I am on the other
Dan aku di sisi lain
Are we divided?
Apakah kita dibagi?