Arti Lirik Ian Dury And The Blockheads - Inbetweenies

In the mirror, when I'm debonair
Di cermin, saat aku debonair
My reactions are my own affair
Reaksi saya adalah urusan saya sendiri
A body likes to be near the bone
Tubuh suka berada di dekat tulang
Oh Nancy, Leslie, Jack and Joan
Oh Nancy, Leslie, Jack dan Joan
I die when I'm alone, alone
Aku mati saat aku sendirian, sendiri

Shake your booty when your back is bent
Kocok barang rampasan Anda saat punggung Anda membungkuk
Put your feelings where my mouth just went
Letakkan perasaanmu dimana mulutku baru saja pergi
As serious as things do seem
Sama seriusnya seperti yang terlihat
At least you've put me on the team
Setidaknya Anda telah menempatkan saya di tim
And friends do rule supreme, ok
Dan teman-teman aturan tertinggi, oke

Oh, pardon you, me
Oh, maafkan aku
With a capital 'C'
Dengan modal ‘C’
And who would have thought
Dan siapa sangka
With a capital nought?
Dengan modal nihil?
In between the lines
Di sela-sela garis


Spread your chickens when you think of next
Sebarkan ayam Anda saat memikirkan selanjutnya
What the Dickens if they're highly-sexed?
Apa Dickens kalau mereka beraneka seks?
Through channels that were once canals
Melalui saluran yang dulu kanal
Do lift the heart of my morale
Apakah mengangkat hati semangat saya?
To know that we are pals, yes
Untuk mengetahui bahwa kita adalah teman, ya

Oh, vanity fair
Oh, sopan santun adil
With a capital 'V'
Dengan modal ‘V’
You give me a share
Anda memberi saya bagian
You take it from me
Anda mengambilnya dari saya
Oh, jolly good show
Oh, acara bagus sekali
With a capital 'O'
Dengan modal ‘O’
It's terrific to go
Sangat menyenangkan untuk pergi

Hello, hello, hello
Halo halo halo
Hello, hello, hello
Halo halo halo