lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Good Morning, Captain

Let me in, the voice cried softly,
Biarkan aku masuk, suara itu terdengar pelan,
from outside the wooden door.
dari luar pintu kayu
Scattered remnants of the ship could be seen in the distance,
Sisa-sisa kapal yang terbelah bisa terlihat di kejauhan,
Blood stained the icy wall of the shore.
Darah menodai dinding es pantai.

I'm the only one left. The storm, took them all,
Akulah satu-satunya yang tersisa. Badai, membawa mereka semua,
He managed as he tried to stand.
Ia berhasil saat ia berusaha berdiri.
The tears ran down his face.
Air mata mengalir di wajahnya.
Please, it's cold.
Tolong, dingin

When he woke, there was no trace of the ship.
Saat terbangun, tidak ada jejak kapal.
Only the dawn was left behind by the storm.
Hanya fajar yang ditinggalkan badai.
He felt the creaking of the stairs beneath him.
Dia merasakan derak tangga di bawahnya.
That rose, from the sea, to the door.
Itu naik dari laut ke pintu.

There was a sound at the window then.
Ada suara di jendela saat itu.
The captain started, his breath was still.
Kapten mulai, napasnya masih.
Slowly, he turned.
Perlahan, dia berbalik.

From behind the edge of the windowsill,
Dari balik tepi ambang jendela,
There appeared the delicate hand of a child.
Ternyata ada tangan halus seorang anak kecil.
His face was flush and timid.
Wajahnya memerah dan malu-malu.
He stared at the captain through frightened eyes.
Dia menatap kapten itu dengan mata yang ketakutan.

The captain reached for something to hold on to,
Kapten meraih sesuatu untuk dipegang,
Help me, he whispered, as he rose slowly to his feet.
Bantu aku, dia berbisik, saat dia bangkit berdiri.
The boy's face went pale,
Wajah anak laki-laki itu menjadi pucat,
He recognized the sound.
Dia mengenali suaranya.

Silently, he pulled down the shade against the shadow.
Diam-diam, ia menurunkan bayangan bayangan itu.
Lost in the doorstep of the empty house.
Hilang di ambang pintu rumah yang kosong.

I'm trying to find my way home.
Saya mencoba menemukan jalan pulang.

I'm sorry…
Maafkan saya…
…and I miss you.
…dan aku kangen kamu.

I miss you.
Aku merindukanmu.
I've grown taller now.
Aku sudah tumbuh lebih tinggi sekarang.
I want the police to be notified.
Saya ingin polisi diberitahu.
I'll make it up to you,
Aku akan menebusnya,
I swear, I'll make it up to you.
Aku bersumpah, aku akan menebusnya untukmu.

I miss you.
Aku merindukanmu.