lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Flower Of Blood

In a bad land
Di tanah yang buruk
Thirsty for water
Haus untuk air
Ruled by thorns and weeds
Diperintah oleh duri dan gulma
Hard like stone
Keras seperti batu
Dry like a desert
Kering seperti padang pasir
Brought by the wind
Dibawa angin
A little seed germinates
Sedikit biji gecermin
The beautiful flower of blood
Bunga darah yang indah
It was born
Itu lahir
Destroying all evil
Menghancurkan semua kejahatan
Creating life
Menciptakan hidup
Giving fruit
Memberi buah
The wind of the spirit
Angin semangat
Holy Spirit
Roh Kudus
The seed of love
Benih cinta
Was born in my heart
Lahir di hatiku
The beautiful flower of blood
Bunga darah yang indah