Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - Fire Coming Out Of The Monkey's Head

Once upon a time at the foot of a great mountain,
Dahulu kala di kaki gunung yang indah,
there was a town where the people known as Happyfolk lived,
Ada sebuah kota di mana orang-orang yang dikenal sebagai orang Happyfolk tinggal,
their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world,
keberadaan mereka menjadi misteri bagi seluruh dunia,
obscured as it was by great clouds.
dikaburkan seperti awan besar.
Here they played out their peaceful lives,
Di sini mereka memainkan kehidupan damai mereka,
innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below.
Tidak bersalah atas litani kelebihan dan kekerasan yang tumbuh di dunia di bawah ini.
To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough.
Untuk hidup selaras dengan semangat gunung yang disebut Monyet sudah cukup.
Then one day Strangefolk arrived in the town.
Suatu hari Strangefolk tiba di kota.
They came in camouflage, hidden behind dark glasses, but no one noticed them: they only saw shadows.
Mereka datang dalam kamuflase, tersembunyi di balik kacamata hitam, tapi tidak ada yang memperhatikannya: mereka hanya melihat bayangan.
You see, without the Truth of the Eyes, the Happyfolk were blind.
Anda lihat, tanpa Kebenaran Mata, Orang Bahagia itu buta.

Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Jatuh dari pesawat terbang dan bersembunyi di lubang
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Menunggu matahari terbenam yang akan datang, orang-orang pulang ke rumah
Jump back from behind them and shoot them in the head
Langsung mundur dari belakang mereka dan tembak mereka di kepala
Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead,
Sekarang semua orang menari tarian orang mati,
the dance of the dead,
tarian orang mati,
the dance of the dead
tarian orang mati

In time, Strangefolk found their way
Pada waktunya, Strangefolk menemukan jalan mereka
into the high reaches of the mountain,
ke puncak gunung,
and it was there that they found the caves
dan di sanalah mereka menemukan gua
of unimaginable Sincerity and Beauty.
Ketulusan dan Keindahan yang tak terbayangkan.
By chance, they stumbled upon the Place
Secara kebetulan, mereka menemukan Tempat itu
Where All Good Souls Come to Rest.
Dimana Semua Jiwa yang Baik Datang untuk Beristirahat.
The Strangefolk, they coveted the jewels
Kaum Strangefolk, mereka mendambakan permata itu
in these caves above all things,
di gua-gua ini di atas segalanya,
and soon they began to mine the mountain,
dan segera mereka mulai menambang gunung,
its rich seam fueling the chaos of their own world.
jahitannya yang kaya memicu kekacauan dunia mereka sendiri.
Meanwhile, down in the town, the Happyfolk slept restlessly,
Sementara di kota, si Happyfolk tidur dengan gelisah,
their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls.
Mimpi mereka diserbu oleh sosok gelap yang menggali jiwa mereka.
Every day, people would wake and stare at the mountain.
Setiap hari, orang akan bangun dan menatap gunung.
Why was it bringing darkness into their lives?
Mengapa hal itu membawa kegelapan ke dalam kehidupan mereka?
And as the Strangefolk mined deeper and deeper into the mountain,
Dan saat Strangefolk menambang lebih dalam dan lebih dalam ke gunung,
holes began to appear, bringing with them a cold
Lubang mulai muncul, membawa mereka kedinginan
and bitter wind that chilled the very soul of them up.
dan angin pahit yang mendinginkan jiwa mereka.
For the first time, the Happyfolk felt fearful
Untuk pertama kalinya, kaum Happy merasa takut
for they knew that soon the Monkey would soon stir from its deep sleep.
karena mereka tahu segera monyet itu akan segera terjaga dari tidur nyenyaknya.
And then came a sound.
Dan kemudian terdengar suara.
Distant first, it grew into castrophany so immense
Jauh lebih dulu, itu tumbuh menjadi castrophany begitu besar
it could be heard far away in space.
Bisa terdengar jauh di luar angkasa.
There were no screams.
Tidak ada teriakan.
There was no time.
Tidak ada waktu.
The mountain called Monkey had spoken.
Gunung yang disebut Monkey telah berbicara.
There was only fire.
Hanya ada api.
And then, nothing.
Dan kemudian, tidak ada apa-apa.

O little town in U.S.A, your time has come to see
O kota kecil di A.S., waktumu telah tiba untuk dilihat
There’s nothing you believe you want
Tidak ada yang Anda percaya Anda inginkan
But where were you when it all came down on me?
Tapi di mana kau saat semuanya turun padaku?
Did you call me now?
Apakah kamu menelepon saya sekarang?