Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Dark Sorceress 2 (winter Siege)

Fort surrounded by waters during that winter of battles
Benteng dikelilingi oleh perairan selama musim dingin pertempuran
Those waters were covered by diamondlike ice
Perairan itu ditutupi es berlian
In that castle of stone under siege of curved sabres
Di benteng batu yang dikepung oleh pedang yang melengkung
It was so freezing, so cold and no food
Itu sangat dingin, sangat dingin dan tidak ada makanan

Sorceress of that castle got an idea to help
Penyihir benteng itu mendapat ide untuk membantu
Them away from the hunger to the victory of war
Mereka jauh dari kelaparan sampai kemenangan perang
She just needed to practice sex magic with the warlord
Dia hanya perlu mempraktikkan sihir seks dengan panglima perang
Lord from enemy side to fulfill victory rite
Tuhan dari sisi musuh untuk memenuhi ritus kemenangan

So she started to enchant warlord from enemy camp
Jadi dia mulai memikat panglima perang dari perkemahan musuh
Young warlord seemed to fall in love with sorceress
Panglima perang muda sepertinya jatuh cinta pada penyihir
But he was just pretending – he was magician too
Tapi dia hanya berpura-pura – dia juga pesulap
By the science of sorcery he knew the attempt for deceit
Dengan ilmu sihir dia tahu usaha untuk melakukan penipuan

So he was acting like falling in love with the sorceress
Jadi dia bertingkah seperti jatuh cinta pada si penyihir
And finally she asked him to meet her in the dark
Dan akhirnya dia memintanya untuk menemuinya dalam kegelapan
In the darkness secretly at the gates of castle
Dalam kegelapan diam-diam di gerbang kastil
She promised to give herself for warlord
Dia berjanji untuk memberikan dirinya pada panglima perang

Warlord took his warriors along to the gates
Warlord membawa pasukannya ke gerbang
Those warriors were hiding in the shadows of the walls
Para pejuang itu bersembunyi di balik bayang-bayang dinding
Sorceress opened the gate for warlords entering
Penyihir membuka gerbang bagi panglima perang yang masuk
But too late she noticed attack of enemy
Tapi terlambat dia melihat serangan musuh

Fortunately for that castle and for defenders of it
Untungnya untuk benteng itu dan untuk pembela itu
Guard noticed the intruders, so he alarmed all soldiers
Penjaga melihat para penyusup, jadi dia khawatir semua tentara
After short battle enemy was killed
Setelah musuh pertempuran pendek terbunuh
Sorceress was arrested as a traitor of the land
Penyihir ditangkap sebagai pengkhianat tanah

She was sentenced to the sentence of death
Dia dijatuhi hukuman mati
She was put to prisonment. her dungeon was walled up
Dia dipenjara. penjara bawah tanahnya berdinding
And she died in that dungeon, but she set infernal curse
Dan dia meninggal di penjara bawah tanah itu, tapi dia mengutuk
Epidemic arrived – most of warriors died
Epidemi tiba – sebagian besar pejuang meninggal dunia

That fort still stands in middle of dark waters
Benteng itu masih berdiri di tengah perairan gelap
And every dead of the night a phantom of sorceress
Dan setiap malam yang mati adalah hantu penyihir
Wanders at those corridors, haunts in those huge halls
Berkeliaran di koridor-koridor itu, menghantui di aula-ruangan besar itu
And you can hear the echo of her sobbing from the walls…
Dan Anda bisa mendengar gema isak tangisnya dari dinding …