Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik OST The Jungle Book - Colonel Hathi's March

Hup two three four
Hup dua tiga empat
Keep it up two three four
Keep it up dua tiga empat
Hup two three four
Hup dua tiga empat
Keep it up two three four
Keep it up dua tiga empat
Company sound off!
Suara perusahaan off

Ho, the aim of our patrol
Ho, tujuan patroli kita
Is a question rather droll
Adalah sebuah pertanyaan yang agak droll
For to march and drill
Untuk berbaris dan bor
Over field and hill
Di atas lapangan dan bukit
Is a military goal!
Apakah tujuan militer!
Is a military goal!
Apakah tujuan militer!

Hup two three four
Hup dua tiga empat
Dress it up two three four
Dress it up dua tiga empat
Hup two three four
Hup dua tiga empat
Dress it up two three four
Dress it up dua tiga empat

By the ranks or single file
Dengan jajaran atau single file
Over every jungle mile
Sepanjang hutan setiap mil
Oh we stamp and crush
Oh kita cap dan naksir
Through the underbrush
Melalui semak belukar
In a military style!
Dengan gaya militer!
In a military style!
Dengan gaya militer!

Hup two three four
Hup dua tiga empat
Keep it up two three four
Keep it up dua tiga empat