- Chicago That Toddling Town Lirik Terjemahan

Chicago (That Toddling Town)Tony Bennett Written by Fred Fisher- from his “Strike Up the Band” LP with Count Basie: Roulette 25231- This version did not chart but In 1922, two versions were charted: Ben Selvin (# 5) and the Bar Harbor Society Orchestra (# 13)- In 1957, Frank Sinatra brought it back to # 84Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' townChicago, Chicago, I'll show you aroundBet your bottom dollar you'll lose the blues in ChicagoChicago, the town that *Mart Faye* could not shut downOn State Street, that great streetI just want to sayThey do things that they don't do on Broadway, say They have the time, the time of their life I saw a man, he danced with his wife In Chicago, my home town They have the time, the time of their life I saw a man, he danced with his wife In Chicago In Chicago In Chicago TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Original lyrics indicate that *Billy Sunday *, the evangelist, could not close Chicago down-after all, it WAS Capone's town!!. Marty Faye was a Chicago radio DJ and TV talk show host from the 40/50/60s. He was known for his abrasive style and voice. If you ever heard him, you wouldn't be likely to forget him, though you might try to, very hard.
Chicago (That Toddling Town) Tony Bennett Ditulis oleh Fred Fisher – dari “Strike Up the Band” LP dengan Count Basie: Roulette 25231 – Versi ini tidak menunjukkan tetapi Pada tahun 1922, dua versi dipetakan: Ben Selvin (# 5) dan Orkestra Bar Harbor Society (# 13) – Pada tahun 1957, Frank Sinatra membawanya kembali ke # 84Chicago, Chicago, kota kecilChicago, Chicago, saya akan menunjukkannya kepada Anda. Lihat dolar terbawah Anda, Anda akan kehilangan blues di ChicagoChicago, the kota yang * Mart Faye * tidak bisa ditutup di Jalan Negara Bagian, jalan besar itu Aku hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa mereka melakukan hal-hal yang tidak mereka lakukan di Broadway, katakanlah Mereka punya waktu, saat dalam hidup mereka aku melihat seorang pria, dia berdansa dengan istrinya Di Chicago, kota asal saya Mereka punya waktu, saat hidup mereka melihat seorang pria, dia berdansa dengan istrinya Di Chicago In Chicago In Chicago TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Original lyrics Tunjukkan bahwa * Billy Sunday *, sang penginjil, tidak bisa menutup Chicago-lagipula, itu adalah Capra kota e !! Marty Faye adalah seorang DJ Chicago dan pembawa acara talk show Chicago dari usia 40/50 / 60an. Dia dikenal dengan gaya dan suaranya yang abrasi. Jika Anda pernah mendengarnya, Anda mungkin tidak akan melupakannya, meskipun Anda mungkin berusaha, sangat keras.