- Arti Lirik Ceremonial Gasmask

concussion doesnt sideline, but recharges.
gegar otak tidak mengantar, tapi mengisi kembali.
now youre in a world of shit.
sekarang kamu di dunia sial.
listen to the night as it hovers overhead, can you hear it laughing?
dengarkan malam saat melayang di atas kepala, bisakah kamu mendengarnya tertawa?
draw the joker card…how did that get back in the deck?
menarik kartu joker … bagaimana bisa kembali di geladak?
scowl mask removed from back pocket.
Masker cemberut dikeluarkan dari saku belakang.
the tighter the fit, the better.
Semakin ketat bugar, semakin baik.