Arti dan Lirik The Presidents Of The United States Of Americ - Boll Weevil

Get down

Let me tell you about a friend of mine
Mari saya ceritakan tentang teman saya
His name's Boll Weevil, check him out
Namanya Boll Weevil, periksa dia

Spends all day on his big butt
Menghabiskan sepanjang hari di pantatnya yang besar
And he don't ever, ever get outside
Dan dia tidak pernah, pernah keluar
I come to visit, I bring some sunshine
Saya datang berkunjung, saya membawa sinar matahari
And I just spread it all over the fire
Dan saya hanya menyebarkannya ke seluruh api

He's stuck on his big couch, stuck in his big shell
Dia terjebak di sofa besarnya, terjebak di cangkangnya yang besar
He looks at the TV and he's all right
Dia melihat TV dan dia baik-baik saja
I come from the Drug Lord, the local drug store
Saya datang dari Drug Lord, toko obat setempat
Bug is a fly, baby he's never uptight
Bug adalah lalat, sayang dia tidak pernah tegang
And I wonder:
Dan saya bertanya-tanya:

Boll Weevil, why don't you get out of your home?
Boll Weevil, kenapa kamu tidak keluar dari rumahmu?
He said, I'm comfortable here, I don't wanna move, I don't wanna leave
Katanya, saya merasa nyaman di sini, saya tidak ingin pindah, saya tidak mau pergi
I said, Boll Weevil get right out of your home
Aku bilang, Boll Weevil langsung keluar dari rumahmu

Good bye, I gotta stay, I'll move some other day bye bye, gotta go to sleep
Selamat tinggal, aku harus tinggal, aku akan pindah beberapa hari sebelum tinggal, harus pergi tidur
And let the tube shine, let the tube shine,
Dan biarkan tabung bersinar, biarkan tabung bersinar,
Let the tube shine, let the tube shine
Biarkan tabung bersinar, biarkan tabung bersinar

Now I would tell you about Boll Weevil, but that bug is just too scary
Sekarang saya akan bercerita tentang Boll Weevil, tapi bug itu terlalu menakutkan
He's sittin there all alone, I try to coach him out, with chocolate pie
Dia sendirian di sana sendirian, saya mencoba melatihnya keluar, dengan kue coklat
But he would not move a muscle, and I tried
Tapi dia tidak akan menggerakkan otot, dan saya mencoba

To make him see that the sun is shining outside
Untuk membuatnya melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar

Check it out
Coba lihat

Boll Weevil get right out of your home
Boll Weevil keluar dari rumah Anda
Boll Weevil get right out of your home
Boll Weevil keluar dari rumah Anda
Boll Weevil get right out of your home
Boll Weevil keluar dari rumah Anda
Boll Weevil get right out of your home
Boll Weevil keluar dari rumah Anda

Now I would tell you about Boll Weevil, but that bug is just too scary
Sekarang saya akan bercerita tentang Boll Weevil, tapi bug itu terlalu menakutkan
He's sittin there all alone, I try to coach him out, with chocolate pie
Dia sendirian di sana sendirian, saya mencoba melatihnya keluar, dengan kue coklat
But he would not move a muscle, and I tried
Tapi dia tidak akan menggerakkan otot, dan saya mencoba

To make him see that the sun is shining outside
Untuk membuatnya melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining out
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining outside
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar di luar
Make him see that the sun is shining ou
Buat dia melihat bahwa matahari bersinar ou