Terjemahan Lirik - Blackberry Blossom

Can you tell me what happened to the blossom
Bisakah Anda ceritakan apa yang terjadi pada mekar itu?
Blackberry blossom when the summertime came?
Blackberry mekar saat musim panas datang?
The blackberry blossom, oh the last time I saw one
Bunga blackberry, oh terakhir kali aku melihatnya
Was down in the bramble where I rambled in the spring
Berada di semak-semak dimana saya mengoceh di musim semi
The bramble was wild I was torn by the briars
Perang liar itu liar, saya robek oleh para brengsek
My love he wooed me as I lie there
Cintaku dia merayu saya saat saya berbaring di sana
With a flower in my hair and my cheeks all flashy
Dengan bunga di rambutku dan pipiku sangat mencolok
Was the blackberry blossom from the blackberry bush
Apakah blackberry mekar dari blackberry bush

When I picked the berry I didn't miss the blossom
Ketika saya memilih berry saya tidak ketinggalan mekar
The blackberry blossom was white as the snow
Bunga blackberry berwarna putih seperti salju
But the berry that it brings is sweeter than molasses
Tapi berry yang dibawanya lebih manis dari pada tetes tebu
And black as the wings of the Arkansas crow
Dan hitam seperti sayap gagak Arkansas
The Arkansas crow is a devil and a demon
Burung gagak Arkansas adalah iblis dan setan
Known for his cackling and his screaming
Dikenal karena terkekeh dan teriakannya
Driving away the swallow and the thrush
Mengarahkan burung layang-layang dan sariawan
From the blackberry blossom and the blackberry bush
Dari blackberry blossom dan blackberry bush

I was picking berries when that crow flew above me
Saya memetik buah saat gagak terbang di atas saya
Carrying my lover so far away
Membawa kekasih saya begitu jauh
Now each spring I lay a blackberry blossom
Sekarang setiap musim semi aku berbaring blackberry blossom
By a cold gravestone on the Arkansas clay
Dengan nisan dingin di tanah liat Arkansas
The Arkansas clay is rocky and hard
Tanah liat Arkansas berbatu dan keras
With weeds growing over in the old graveyard
Dengan rumput liar tumbuh di kuburan tua
And the day settles down to an evening hush
Dan hari tenang sampai malam
Over the blackberry blossom and the blackberry bush
Di atas blackberry blossom dan blackberry bush