D-A-D - Lagu Black Crickets Lirik Terjemahan

The winter of fortynine had passed
Musim dingin fortynine telah berlalu
A winter of haunt n fear
Musim dingin menghantui ketakutan
Hunger had knocked at the city-gates
Kelaparan telah mengetuk pintu gerbang kota
And threatened the pioneers
Dan mengancam pionirnya
Then low in the east strange clouds appeared
Kemudian di awan aneh aneh di sebelah timur muncul
And dark became the sun
Dan gelap menjadi matahari
And the courage to fight and win a war
Dan keberanian untuk berperang dan memenangkan perang
Was all of a sudden gone
Tiba-tiba saja hilang

Black crickets
Jangkrik hitam
By 10s millions or more
Dengan 10juta atau lebih
Black crickets
Jangkrik hitam
By 10s millions or more
Dengan 10juta atau lebih
Until the fields that waved were few
Sampai ladang yang melambai sedikit
Black crickets
Jangkrik hitam

Crickets by tens of millions came
Jangkrik dengan puluhan juta datang
Like fog on a british coast
Seperti kabut di pantai Inggris
They swept down from the mountainsides
Mereka tersapu dari pegunungan
Settled by the mormon post
Ditenangkan oleh pos mormon
Then the oldest old man got this bright idea
Lalu orang tua tertua mendapat ide cemerlang ini
And he called for all the men
Dan dia memanggil semua orang
We'll build a giant nest & the crickets will fear
Kami akan membangun sarang raksasa & jangkrik akan takut
That the big bird is here again!!
Bahwa burung besar ada di sini lagi !!

Black crickets…
Jangkrik hitam …

They constructed the nest and two days went by
Mereka membangun sarang dan dua hari berlalu
They all prayed by the end of their work
Mereka semua berdoa pada akhir pekerjaan mereka
The unexpected guests would fly
Tamu tak terduga akan terbang

They saw the nest the vision occured
Mereka melihat sarang penglihatan itu terjadi
And the dogs would wag their tails
Dan anjing-anjing itu akan mengibaskan ekor mereka
Crickets all shouted: “Bird is the word”
Jangkrik semua berteriak: “Burung adalah kata”
The insects hit the trail
Serangga itu menabrak jalan setapak
All heads were bowed as they thanked the lord
Semua kepala tertunduk saat mereka mengucapkan terima kasih pada tuannya
And they reaped while the devil raved
Dan mereka menuai sementara iblis mengoceh
'Coz their harvest was saved to tons of praise
‘Coz panen mereka berhasil mendapat banyak pujian
And the pioneers were saved
Dan para perintis diselamatkan

Black crickets…
Jangkrik hitam …

Thousands of millions
Ribuan juta
Millions of billions
Jutaan miliaran
Billions of trillions
Miliaran triliunan
Trillions of zillions
Triliunan zillions
D.A.Dillions of fantazillions
D.A.Dillions fantazillions
Of black crickets
Dari jangkrik hitam