Terjemahan Lirik Lagu LeAnn Rimes - Amoreena

Lately I’ve been thinking how much I miss my lady
Akhir-akhir ini saya sudah berpikir betapa saya merindukan wanita saya
Amoreena’s in the cornfield brightening the daybreak
Amoreena di ladang jagung mencerahkan fajar
Living like a lusty flower, running through the grass for hours
Hidup seperti bunga yang penuh nafsu, berlari melewati rumput berjam-jam
Rolling through the hay like a puppy child
Bergulir melalui jerami seperti anak anjing

And when it rains the rain falls down
Dan saat hujan hujan turun
Washing out the cattle town
Mencuci kota ternak
And she’s far away somewhere in her eiderdown
Dan dia berada jauh di suatu tempat di dalam eiderdown-nya
And she dreams of crystal streams
Dan dia bermimpi tentang aliran kristal
Of days gone by when we would lean
Beberapa hari berlalu saat kita bersandar
Laughing fit to burst upon each other
Tertawa pas saling meledak

I can see you sitting eating apples in the evening
Saya bisa melihat Anda duduk makan apel di malam hari
The fruit juice flowing slowly, slowly, slowly
Jus buah mengalir perlahan, perlahan, perlahan
Down the bronze of your body
Turunkan perunggu tubuhmu
Living like a lusty flower, running through the grass for hours
Hidup seperti bunga yang penuh nafsu, berlari melewati rumput berjam-jam
Rolling through the hay like a puppy child
Bergulir melalui jerami seperti anak anjing

Oh if only I could nestle in the cradle of your cabin
Oh kalau saja aku bisa berbaring di buaian kabinmu
My arms around your shoulders the windows wide and open
Lenganku di bahu Anda jendela lebar dan terbuka
While the swallow and the sycamore are playing in the valley
Sementara burung layang-layang dan sycamore sedang bermain di lembah
Oh I miss you Amoreena like a king bee misses honey
Oh aku merindukanmu Amoreena seperti seekor lebah raja merindukan madu

Lately I’ve been thinking how much I miss my lady
Akhir-akhir ini saya sudah berpikir betapa saya merindukan wanita saya
Amoreena’s in the cornfield brightening the daybreak
Amoreena di ladang jagung mencerahkan fajar
Living like a lusty flower, running through the grass for hours
Hidup seperti bunga yang penuh nafsu, berlari melewati rumput berjam-jam
Rolling through the hay like a puppy child
Bergulir melalui jerami seperti anak anjing