Wanita dan gentlmen
The Violent Femmes.
Femmes Kekerasan.
Come witness
Jadilah saksi
the beauty of their degradation.
Keindahan degradasi mereka.
Mothers bring you sons.
Ibu melahirkan anak laki-laki.
Mothers bring your daughters to this most educational exhibit.
Ibu membawa anak perempuan Anda ke pameran yang paling mendidik ini.
The alternative has constitute has spared
Alternatif yang ada telah terhindar
no expense to bring these amazing freak babies to the Oriental Theatre.
tidak ada biaya untuk membawa bayi aneh ini ke Teater Oriental.
Friday, March 29th.
Jumat 29 Maret.
Eight o'clock.
Jam delapan.
Tickets: $8.50 in advance, $10 the night of the exhibition.
Tiket: $ 8,50 di muka, $ 10 pada malam pameran.
Tickets available at Oriental Box Office, Main Stream Records,
Tiket tersedia di Oriental Box Office, Main Stream Records,
radio ????, and the UWM bookstore.
radio ????, dan toko buku UWM.
Violent Femmes.
Femmes Kekerasan
Violent Femmes.
Femmes Kekerasan
The Oriental Theatre.
Teater Oriental.
Violent Femmes.
Femmes Kekerasan
THe 29th of March.
29 Maret.