- In My Chair Lirik Terjemahan

I saw her talking, now
Aku melihatnya sedang berbicara, sekarang
My ears were burning
Telingaku terbakar
Her feet startet walking, now
Kaki kakinya mulai berjalan, sekarang
They started turning
Mereka mulai berbalik
My eyes were half open
Mataku setengah terbuka
But she didn't see me there
Tapi dia tidak melihatku di sana
We ran along, walking 'cross the roof-tops
Kami berlari, berjalan ‘menyeberangi atap-puncak
In my chair
Di kursiku

Had a car in my pocket
Punya mobil di sakuku
And we started moving
Dan kami mulai bergerak
A man in a helmet said
Seorang pria berpakaian helm berkata
'What's that you're using'
‘Apa yang Anda gunakan’
My eyes were half open
Mataku setengah terbuka
But we didn't see him there
Tapi kami tidak melihatnya di sana
Put the car back in my pocket
Letakkan kembali mobil itu di sakuku
And I'm still here in my chair
Dan aku masih di sini di kursiku

My teeth were laughing, now
Gigiku tertawa, sekarang
We couldn't stop smiling
Kami tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum
We danced to the Mystery Band
Kami menari ke Mystery Band
Without even trying
Tanpa mencoba
My eyes were half open
Mataku setengah terbuka
But we didn't see them there
Tapi kami tidak melihat mereka di sana
We ran along, walking 'cross the roof-tops
Kami berlari, berjalan ‘menyeberangi atap-puncak
In my chair
Di kursiku