Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu Jock-o-rama

You really like gorillas?
Kamu sangat menyukai gorila?
We've got just the pet for you
Kami hanya punya hewan peliharaan untukmu
It's the way you're forced to act
Begitulah cara Anda dipaksa untuk bertindak
To survive our schools
Untuk bertahan di sekolah kita

Make your whole life revolve around sports
Jadikan seluruh hidup Anda berputar seputar olahraga
Walk tough-don't act too smart
Berjalanlah tangguh-jangan bertindak terlalu pintar
Be a mean machine
Jadilah mesin yang berarti
Then we'll let you get ahead
Lalu kita akan membiarkanmu maju

Jock-O-Rama-Save my soul
Jock-O-Rama-Simpan jiwaku
We're under the thumb of the Beef Patrol
Kita berada di bawah jempol Patroli Sapi
The future of America is in their hands
Masa depan Amerika ada di tangan mereka
Watch it roll over Niagara Falls
Watch it roll atas Niagara Falls
Pep rally in the holy temple
Pep rally di kuil suci
And you're forced to go
Dan kau terpaksa pergi
Masturbate en masse
Masturbasi secara massal
With the favored religious cult
Dengan kultus religius yang disukai
Cheerleaders yell-“Ra Ra Team”
Cheerleader berteriak- “Ra Ra Team”
From the locker room parades the prime beef
Dari ruang ganti parade daging sapi utama
When archaeologists dig this up
Saat arkeolog menggali ini
They'll either laugh or cry
Mereka akan tertawa atau menangis

Jock-O-Rama-On the brain
Jock-O-Rama-Di otak
Redneck-a-thon drivin' me insane
Redneck-a-thon mengayunkan aku gila
The future of America is in their hands
Masa depan Amerika ada di tangan mereka
Watch it roll over Niagara Falls
Watch it roll atas Niagara Falls
Unzip that old time religion
Unzip dulu agama jaman dulu
On the almighty football field
Di lapangan sepak bola yang maha kuasa
Beerbellies of all ages
Beerbellies dari segala umur
Come to watch the gladiators bleed
Datang untuk menyaksikan gladiator berdarah
“Now boys, this game ain't played for fun
“Sekarang anak laki-laki, game ini tidak dimainkan untuk bersenang-senang
You're going out there to win
Anda pergi ke sana untuk menang
How d'ya win?
Bagaimana kamu menang
Get out there
And snap the other guy's knee!”
Dan jatuhkan lutut orang lain! “

Beat 'em up! Beat 'em up!
Kalahkan mereka! Kalahkan mereka!
Ra Ra Ra
Ra Ra Ra
Snap those spinal cords
Jepret tali tulang belakang itu
Ha Ha Ha
Ha ha ha

The star quarterback lies injured
Quarterback bintang terletak terluka
Unconscious on the football field
Tidak sadar di lapangan sepak bola
Looks like his neck's been broken
Sepertinya lehernya sudah patah
Seems to happen somewhere every year
Tampaknya terjadi di suatu tempat setiap tahun

His mom and dad clutch themselves and cry
Ibunya dan ayah mencengkeram dirinya sendiri dan menangis
Their favorite son will never walk again
Anak kesayangan mereka tidak akan pernah jalan lagi
Coach says, “That boy gave a hundred percent
Pelatih berkata, “Anak itu memberi seratus persen
What spirit
Semangat apa
What a man”
Betapa seorang pria “

But who cares?
Tapi siapa peduli?
Games over-Let's go get wasted man
Game over-Ayo kita terbuang sia-sia
To the 7-11, to the liquor store
Ke 7-11, ke toko minuman keras
Let's party all night and party some more
Ayo berpesta semalaman dan pesta lagi

Another Trans-Am
Trans-Am lain
Wrapped itself around a telephone pole
Membungkus diri di atas tiang telepon
“I ain't drunk, officer
“Saya tidak mabuk, petugas
I just fell gettin' out of my car”
Aku baru saja jatuh dari mobilku “

Don't worry about it, son
Jangan khawatir, Nak
We were that way when we were young
Kami seperti itu saat kami masih muda
You've got all the skills<
Anda memiliki semua keterampilan <