Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - I Wish I Could Have Been There (Woodstock)

I wish I could have been there on the high-way
Kuharap aku bisa berada di sana di jalan setinggi itu
When the people came from miles around to see
Ketika orang-orang datang dari mil sekitar untuk melihat
The children of the flowers come together
Anak-anak bunganya bersatu

I wish I could have been there in the sunshine
Saya berharap bisa berada di sana di bawah sinar matahari
With the sound of lovely laughter in the air
Dengan suara tawa yang indah di udara
And the music makers first began to play
Dan para pembuat musik mulai bermain

To hear them play
Mendengar mereka bermain

And I wish I could have been there in the rain
Dan aku berharap bisa berada di sana dalam hujan
When the clouds were silver castles in the sky
Saat awan itu adalah istana perak di langit
And I wish I could have heard the people sing
Dan aku berharap bisa mendengar orang-orang bernyanyi
As the rhythm and the words came floating by
Seiring irama dan kata-katanya melayang-layang

I wish I could have been there in the star – light
Kuharap aku bisa berada di sana di cahaya bintang
When the countryside was quiet once again
Saat pedesaan kembali tenang
And the music and the makers
Dan musik dan pembuatnya
The poets and the singers
Penyair dan penyanyi
And the children of the flowers
Dan anak-anak dari bunga
Had all gone
Semua sudah pergi