Terjemahan Lirik - Blow In Your Nose

Oh operator, give me long distance.
Oh operator, beri aku jarak jauh.
It's a person-to-, yeah, yeah, go ahead, yeah, go ahead, go, alright, alright, just…
Ini adalah seseorang-to-, yeah, yeah, maju, yeah, maju, pergi, baiklah, baiklah, hanya …
um …
we got a, we, we put an album together and we're releasing it next week.
Kami mendapat, kami, kami membuat album bersama dan kami akan merilisnya minggu depan.
It's called Blowin' Your Nose.
Ini disebut Blowin ‘Your Nose.
It's got a psychedelic jacket,
Ada jaket psychedelic,
and it's called Blowin' Your Nose.
dan itu disebut Blowin ‘Your Nose.
It's a gorgeous album cover; you should see it.
Ini sampul album yang cantik; kamu harus melihatnya.
It's groovy.”
Ini sangat lucu. “
“You mean you called me up to tell me that…that, yeah…
“Maksudmu kau memanggilku untuk memberitahuku bahwa … itu, ya …
Groovy. “…