Terjemahan Lirik - Lagu A Little Mercy

They built cathedrals for the glory and the fame
Mereka membangun katedral untuk kemuliaan dan ketenaran
While the kids down in the streets
Sementara anak-anak di jalanan
Are dying in it's name
Mati dalam nama itu

They try to hide away the truth from you and me
Mereka mencoba menyembunyikan kebenaran dari Anda dan saya
Must we be blind to see?
Haruskah kita buta untuk melihat?
Sometimes life means misery
Terkadang hidup berarti kesengsaraan

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy ,oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – for the souls living on the other side
Sedikit rahmat – bagi jiwa-jiwa yang tinggal di sisi lain

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy, oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – for the souls crying to be understood
Sedikit rahmat – agar jiwa menangis dipahami

Golden hills and silver street made out of sweat and blood
Bukit emas dan jalan perak terbuat dari keringat dan darah
In times of liberty – Millions are not free
Di masa kebebasan – Jutaan orang tidak bebas
Sitting pretty in a tower full of light
Duduk cantik di menara yang penuh cahaya
The wheel of fortune on their side
Roda keberuntungan di pihak mereka
Are they deaf for the song that the people sing?
Apakah mereka tuli terhadap lagu yang dinyanyikan orang?

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy, oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – for the souls living on the other side
Sedikit rahmat – bagi jiwa-jiwa yang tinggal di sisi lain

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy, oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – for the souls crying to be understood
Sedikit rahmat – agar jiwa menangis dipahami

And the wind will blow away what the children voices pray
Dan angin akan meniup apa yang anak-anak bersuara
When the sun is going down in a sea of misery
Saat matahari terbenam di lautan kesengsaraan
Alone with their fears
Sendirian dengan ketakutan mereka
They need more than our tears
Mereka membutuhkan lebih dari air mata kita
when the sun is going down – going down on you and me
Saat matahari terbenam – turun ke atasmu dan aku

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy, oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – For the souls living on the other side
Sedikit rahmat – Bagi jiwa yang hidup di sisi lain

A little mercy, oh mercy – a little mercy, oh mercy
Sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat – sedikit rahmat, oh rahmat
A little mercy – For the souls crying to be understood
Sedikit rahmat – Agar jiwa menangis dipahami