Terjemahan dan Arti Lirik - White Synthetic Noise

Menghirup napas
Inhale the exhaled
Tarik napas yang dihembuskan
Menghirup napas
Inhale the injected voice
Tariklah suara yang disuntikkan
Menghirup napas
Exhale the inhaled
Buang napas yang terhirup
Menghirup napas
Inhale the lines of white noise
Tarik nafas putih

Silence depicted the room
Diam menggambarkan ruangan itu
And released the liquids in drops
Dan melepaskan cairan di tetes
Infinity licks the tongue of thorns
Infinity menjilati lidah duri
And devours the cities in drone
Dan melahap kota-kota di pesawat tak berawak

These designers of syndromes
Perancang sindrom ini
The core of poison free sound
Inti suara bebas racun
Slowly drifting to the mind of dub
Pelan-pelan melayang ke pangkal jempol

Gardens swallow the idyllic life
Kebun menelan kehidupan idilis
Inhales heavens to earthly eyes
Menghirup langit ke mata duniawi
Open palms of autumn scars
Buka telapak bekas luka musim gugur
Adieus to plaintive solar charm
Adieus mengagumi pesona matahari