Dangerous Toys - On Top Lirik Terjemahan

Somebody asked me if I wanted a ride
Seseorang bertanya apakah saya ingin naik?
I said what do you mean
Aku bilang apa maksudmu
They said I know a woman that
Mereka bilang aku kenal wanita itu
They called slip-n-slide
Mereka disebut slip-n-slide
Introduce me to a galley name of Sally
Perkenalkan saya ke nama dapur Sally
Said she rides the horses down
Katanya dia mengendarai kuda turun
In Tennessee Valley
Di Tennessee Valley

She stole my chain, she wasn't plain
Dia mencuri rantai saya, dia tidak biasa
That woman's crazy and a little bit vain
Wanita itu gila dan sedikit sia-sia

She likes it on top that woman never stop
Dia suka di atas wanita itu tidak pernah berhenti
She's a star, she's a hero
Dia bintang, dia pahlawan

She said sugar for the time of your life
Dia mengatakan gula untuk waktu hidup Anda
I get you on my horse so you will realize
Saya membawa Anda ke atas kudaku sehingga Anda akan sadar
She takes them boogie-woogie boys out the backdoor
Dia membawa anak-anak boogie-woogie keluar dari pintu belakang
Gets 'em all high on her flesh for sure
Mendapat mereka semua tinggi pada dagingnya pasti
She rode my train, and then my plane
Dia mengendarai kereta saya, lalu pesawat saya
A nymphomaniac, a little insane
Seorang nymphomaniak, sedikit gila

She likes it on top that woman never stop
Dia suka di atas wanita itu tidak pernah berhenti
She's a star, she's a hero, she likes it on top
Dia bintang, dia pahlawan, dia suka di atas
She likes it on top that woman never stop
Dia suka di atas wanita itu tidak pernah berhenti
She's a star, she's a hero, she likes it on top
Dia bintang, dia pahlawan, dia suka di atas
She's a hero, she likes it on top
Dia pahlawan, dia suka di atas

I took a picture of her
Aku memotretnya
So I would remember
Jadi saya akan ingat
She likes those dirty movies
Dia menyukai film-film kotor itu
She says they're really groovy
Dia bilang mereka benar-benar groovy

Comatose, I couldn't boast
Koma, aku tidak bisa bermegah
I noticed later on my baby was a liar
Saya perhatikan nanti bayi saya pembohong
Catatonic, supersonic
Katatonik, supersonik
Hot, high-heeled, lover, lady sure is on fire
Pacarnya yang panas, bertumit tinggi, pasti terbakar
I can't believe the things I've seen
Aku tidak percaya hal-hal yang pernah kulihat
Lucky that I remember where the hell I've been
Beruntung saya ingat dimana saya berada

Somebody asked me if I wanted a ride
Seseorang bertanya apakah saya ingin naik?
I said what do you mean
Aku bilang apa maksudmu
They said I know a woman that
Mereka bilang aku kenal wanita itu
They called slip-n-slide
Mereka disebut slip-n-slide
Introduce me to a galley name of Sally
Perkenalkan saya ke nama dapur Sally
Said she rides the horses down
Katanya dia mengendarai kuda turun
In Tennessee Valley
Di Tennessee Valley

She stole my chain, she wasn't plain
Dia mencuri rantai saya, dia tidak biasa
That woman's crazy and a little bit vain
Wanita itu gila dan sedikit sia-sia