Terjemahan Lirik Paloalto - Lagu Breathe In

Your car crash buckled up from heaven
Kecelakaan mobil Anda melonjak dari langit
Feeling like it's poison
Merasa seperti racun
When there's no one around
Bila tidak ada orang di sekitarnya

Your whole life sectioned up from red rose
Seluruh hidupmu terbelah dari mawar merah
Wishing you could see who
Berharap kau bisa melihat siapa
But you're stuck in the ground
Tapi kau terjebak di tanah

With this minute sad show
Dengan acara sedih kali ini
Let the scenes go
Biarkan adegan pergi
It's obvious that you want
Sudah jelas bahwa Anda mau
Would you say it feels smooth
Maukah anda mengatakannya terasa mulus
Would you stay home
Maukah kamu tinggal di rumah
How do you feel
Bagaimana perasaanmu
It's how do you feel sufficating
Begitulah perasaan Anda

Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitar Anda
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitar Anda

Taking off in circles
Berpaling dalam lingkaran
Wondering if it's worth it
Bingung jika itu layak
You're innocent and ignored
Anda tidak bersalah dan diabaikan
But this main land system
Tapi sistem tanah utama ini
Has a glitch in it
Memiliki kesalahan di dalamnya
It's signurance has been shown
Ini telah ditunjukkan

When you realise it's payed for
Bila Anda menyadari itu diperhatikan
Wondering where the story's gone
Bingung di mana ceritanya hilang
It's how do you feel
Begitulah perasaan Anda
It's how do you feel sufficating
Begitulah perasaan Anda

Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitar Anda
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitar Anda

It doesn't matter if you run away
Tidak masalah jika Anda melarikan diri
It doesn't matter if you've gone away
Tidak masalah jika Anda pergi
When you're taking off the road
Saat kamu berangkat dari jalan
And you're locked outside the block
Dan Anda terkunci di luar blok
It's OK
Tidak apa-apa

Life's a dizzy
Hidup itu pusing
Far to busy
Jauh untuk sibuk
Never stops
Tidak pernah berhenti
Feeling heavy
Merasa berat
Try to steady
Cobalah untuk mantap
It's all you've got
Hanya itu yang kau punya

Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitar Anda
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Breathe in
Bernafas di
Look what's all around you…
Lihat apa yang ada di sekitarmu …


You'd scream
Kamu akan menjerit