Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Wyoming

We were drunk and insane standing out in the rain
Kami mabuk dan gila berdiri di tengah hujan
Telling stories from yesterday's gig
Menceritakan cerita dari pertunjukan kemarin
Drew a face on my shoe and I knew it was you
Drew wajah di sepatu saya dan saya tahu itu Anda
Memories are my most messed up things
Kenangan adalah hal yang paling kacau
We were covered in water backfire and mud
Kami tertutup air bumerang dan lumpur
Where the blood and coffee were smeared
Dimana darah dan kopi diolesi
As the rivers were rising I stood by your house
Saat sungai-sungai naik, aku berdiri di samping rumahmu
Soon discharging a gutful of beer
Segera buang air besar bir
Wyoming’s got a ghost but it doesn’t have a coast
Wyoming punya hantu tapi tidak ada pantai
So the property’s next to nothing
Jadi properti & rsquo; s sebelah apa-apa
It would blow me away to carouse there with you
Itu akan membuatku pergi ke rumah di sana bersamamu
And to feel the northern lights sing
Dan untuk merasakan cahaya utara bernyanyi
So I get on the phone with the irresistible
Jadi saya bisa berbicara dengan orang yang tak tertahankan
But I find myself kissing the pig
Tapi aku mendapati diriku menciumi babi itu
So antie up your bladder and pile up the boones
Jadi antie atas kandung kemih Anda dan menumpuknya
I’ve got miles of living to do
Saya punya banyak waktu untuk hidup

Well I’ve been to the womb and I’ve been to the tomb
Aku sudah pernah ke rahim dan aku pernah ke makam
Been all over the north county fair
Telah di seluruh county utara adil
Quaffing popcorn in heaven; tequila in hell
Quaffing popcorn di surga; tequila di neraka
Well I know I’ll see all of you there
Baiklah aku tahu aku akan melihat kalian semua di sana

WYOMING WYOMING but I’ve never been to WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING tapi saya belum pernah ke WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING And I’ve never felt the sun
WYOMING WYOMING Dan saya tidak pernah merasakan sinar matahari
Creep down the back of my neck
Creep bawah bagian belakang leher saya
Pulling into medicine bow
Menarik ke dalam obat busur

Well I’ve been to the womb and I’ve been to the tomb
Aku sudah pernah ke rahim dan aku pernah ke makam
Been all over the north county fair
Telah di seluruh county utara adil
Quaffing popcorn in heaven tequila in hell
Quaffing popcorn di surga tequila di neraka
Well I know I’ll see all of you there
Baiklah aku tahu aku akan melihat kalian semua di sana

WYOMING WYOMING but I’ve never been to WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING tapi saya belum pernah ke WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING but I’ve never been to WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING tapi saya belum pernah ke WYOMING
Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy & hellip;

Wyoming Wyoming but I’ve never been to Wyoming
Wyoming Wyoming tapi saya belum pernah ke Wyoming
Wyoming Wyoming but I’ve never been to WY-O-MING
Wyoming Wyoming tapi saya belum pernah ke WY-O-MING

Cody, Cheyenne, Casper, Node, Chugwater, Kaycee, Lusk, Shoshone,
Cody, Cheyenne, Casper, Node, Chugwater, Kaycee, Lusk, Shoshone,
Lost Cabin, Lander, Ten Asleep, Red Desert, Big Piney
Lost Cabin, Lander, Sepuluh Tidur, Gurun Merah, Big Piney

WYOMING WYOMING but I’ve never been to WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING tapi saya belum pernah ke WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING but I’ve never been to WYOMING
WYOMING WYOMING tapi saya belum pernah ke WYOMING
WY & hellip;