Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Wild Child

All right, Wild child full of grace
Baiklah, anak Liar penuh rahmat
Savior of the human race, Your cool face
Juruselamat umat manusia, wajah sejukmu
Natural child, terrible child
Anak yang baik, anak yang mengerikan
Not your mother's or your father's child
Bukan ibu ibumu atau ayahmu
Your our child, screamin' wild
Anakmu, screamin ‘liar
An ancient rulage of grains, And the trees of the night
Kumpulan biji-bijian kuno, Dan pohon-pohon di malam hari
Ha, ha, ha, ha
With hunger at her heels, Freedom in her eyes
Dengan rasa lapar di tumitnya, Kebebasan di matanya
She dances on her knees, Pirate prince at her side
Dia menari di atas lututnya, pangeran Pirate di sisinya
Stirrin' into a hollow idols eyes
Stirrin ‘menjadi mata idola berongga
Wild child full of grace, Savior of the human race
Anak liar penuh rahmat, Juruselamat umat manusia
Your cool face, Your cool face, Your cool face
Wajahmu yang sejuk, wajah dinginmu, wajah dinginmu
Do you remember when we were in Africa?
Apakah Anda ingat saat berada di Afrika?