Terjemahan Lirik - Why Should The Father Bother

(Paduan suara)
Why should the Father
Mengapa harus Bapa?
Bother to call us His children?
Bimbang untuk memanggil kita anak-anakNya?
Why should the Spirit
Mengapa harus Roh?
Hear it when we pray?
Mendengarnya saat kita berdoa?
Why should the Father
Mengapa harus Bapa?
Bother to be concerned with all our needs?
Bother untuk peduli dengan semua kebutuhan kita?
It's all because of what the Son has done
Itu semua karena apa yang telah dilakukan Putra

Once we were lost out on the ocean
Begitu kita tersesat di lautan
With no direction or devotion
Tanpa arahan atau pengabdian
Tossed about by every wind and wave
Dilemparkan oleh setiap angin dan gelombang
Now we are in the world, not of it,
Sekarang kita berada di dunia, bukan dari dunia ini,
And we can surely rise above it
Dan kita pasti bisa naik di atasnya
Because the Lord has risen from the grave
Karena Tuhan telah bangkit dari kubur

And we cry, 'Abba, Father'
Dan kita menangis, ‘Abba, Bapa’
'Abba, Father', 'Abba, Father'
‘Abba, Bapa’, ‘Abba, Bapa’
'Abba, Father', 'Abba, Father'
‘Abba, Bapa’, ‘Abba, Bapa’
'Abba, Father'
‘Abba, Ayah’

Once were strangers from the promise
Pernah orang asing dari janji itu
We were doubters worse than Thomas
Kami ragu-ragu lebih buruk dari Thomas
'Til the Spirit opened up our eyes
Roh akan membuka mata kita
Now He has offered us adoption
Sekarang Dia telah menawari kita adopsi
And we have taken up the option
Dan kami telah mengambil pilihannya
To be His family eternally
Menjadi keluargaNya selamanya