Arti Lirik - White Innocence

She drifted from some minor festival.
Dia melayang dari beberapa festival kecil.
Didn't look like any summer of love:
Tidak terlihat seperti musim panas cinta:
Just a thousand weekend warriors in a muddy field.
Hanya seribu prajurit akhir pekan di lapangan berlumpur.
She was the hand to fit my glove.
Dia adalah tangan yang sesuai dengan sarung tanganku.
Funny thing, the innocence of the lonely.
Lucu, kepolosan yang sepi.
Funny thing, the charm of the young.
Lucunya, pesona muda.

See how she moves just
Lihat bagaimana dia bergerak saja
Like two angels (in white innocence).
Seperti dua malaikat (dalam kepolosan putih).
Yet one of them is on the run.
Namun salah satu dari mereka dalam pelarian.
The other's tapping at my car window
Yang satunya mengetuk jendela mobilku
And I'm squinting through the sun
Dan aku menyipitkan mata menembus sinar matahari
Trying to see if she's some child of the nineties:
Mencoba untuk melihat apakah dia anak pada tahun sembilan puluhan:
Or just another dangerous fantasy of mine.
Atau fantasi lain yang berbahaya dariku.
White innocence.
Kepolosan putih
She was white innocence.
Dia tidak bersalah.

A perfect hole was in her stocking:
Sebuah lubang yang sempurna ada di stoknya:
It made a perfect window to her heart.
Itu membuat jendela yang sempurna ke hatinya.
I could have moved among her waterfalls:
Aku bisa saja bergerak di antara air terjunnya:
Her misty curtains drawn apart.
Tirainya yang berkabut ditarik terpisah.
Did she see warm safety in my numbers
Apakah dia melihat keamanan yang hangat dalam jumlah saya?
To want to hitch a ride this way?
Ingin menumpang naik seperti ini?
Felt like I was taking her to market now
Merasa seperti aku membawanya ke pasar sekarang
To be sold as the last lot of the day.
Dijual sebagai lot terakhir hari ini.
Funny thing, the distance of the lonely.
Lucunya, jarak yang sepi.
Funny thing, the charm of the young.
Lucunya, pesona muda.
White innocence.
Kepolosan putih

She pressed the button, lowered the window:
Dia menekan tombolnya, menurunkan jendela:
Let her hand trail in the slipstream of the night.
Biarkan tangannya meluncur di pipan malam.
A frost from nowhere seemed to lick her fingers:
Embun beku entah dari mana tampaknya menjilat jarinya:
I could have warmed them, but the moment wasn't right.
Aku bisa menghangatkan mereka, tapi saat itu tidak tepat.
Obvious, she was headed nowhere special:
Jelas, dia tidak menuju tempat istimewa:
Yes, well it was even obvious to me.
Ya, baik itu bahkan jelas bagi saya.
I was doing some, some watching, some waiting:
Aku sedang melakukan beberapa, beberapa menonton, beberapa menunggu:
She'd been here before, most definitely.
Dia pernah berada di sini sebelumnya, paling jelas.
There was the promise of early bed-time.
Ada janji tidur awal.
There was the promise of heaven on earth.
Ada janji surga di bumi.
Think I was sending out low-voltage electricity:
Pikir saya mengirimkan listrik bertegangan rendah:
Played it right down for what it was worth.
Memainkannya benar untuk apa itu layak.
She turned and looked at me in white innocence
Dia berbalik dan menatapku dengan tatapan polos
And with the clearest eyes of forever grey,
Dan dengan mata biru yang paling jelas,
She rested one small hand for a second on my knee:
Dia beristirahat satu tangan kecil sebentar di lututku:
I stopped the car. She walked away.
Aku menghentikan mobilnya. Dia berjalan pergi.
Funny thing, the wisdom of the lonely.
Lucu, kebijaksanaan yang sepi.
Funny thing, the charm of the young.
Lucunya, pesona muda.
Away you go now.
Pergi kamu pergi sekarang
White innocence.
Kepolosan putih