lagu - Terjemahan Lirik Where His Wheels Left the Road

Where his wheels left the road, broken glass and twisted steel
Dimana rodanya meninggalkan jalan, pecahan kaca dan baja bengkok
Were the only traces left of that worn out Oldsmobile
Satu-satunya sisa bekas Oldsmobile yang sudah usang itu
Oh, the mist hung on that mountain like a winter overcoat
Oh, kabut tergantung di gunung itu seperti mantel musim dingin
And the Deputies found him where his wheels left the road
Dan para Deputi menemukannya di mana rodanya meninggalkan jalan

He had left the Diamond Horeshoe, drank that whiskey river dry
Dia telah meninggalkan Diamond Horeshoe, meminum wiski yang mengering
That’s the tale the Sheriff told to his sister and his wife
Itulah ceritanya yang Sheriff sampaikan pada saudara perempuan dan istrinya
They could claim their Dear Beloved at the White Oak Funeral Home
Mereka bisa mengklaim Kekasih Terkasih mereka di Rumah Duka Oak Putih
And the Deputy could show them where the wheels left the road
Dan Deputi bisa menunjukkan di mana roda meninggalkan jalan

Now they’re bring food and flowers to the kitchen of his home
Sekarang mereka membawa makanan dan bunga ke dapur rumahnya
They placed a little cross where his wheels left the road
Mereka menempelkan sebuah salib kecil tempat roda-rodanya meninggalkan jalan

But the truth will soon be buried, there’s a secret no one knows
Tapi kebenaran akan segera terkubur, ada rahasia yang tak ada yang tahu
He was not out on that highway when his wheels left the road
Dia tidak berada di jalan raya ketika roda-rodanya meninggalkan jalan
It was back in that old bar room in the smoke and neon lights
Kembali di ruang bar tua di lampu asap dan lampu neon
He was dancing with a woman just before he crossed the line
Dia berdansa dengan wanita sebelum dia melewati batas
In a room next to the Horseshoe, wedding ring down in his coat
Di sebuah ruangan di samping Horseshoe, cincin kawin di mantelnya
He took her in his arms and his wheels left the road
Dia memeluknya dan roda-rodanya meninggalkan jalan

Where his wheels left the road, broken glass and twisted steel
Dimana rodanya meninggalkan jalan, pecahan kaca dan baja bengkok
Were the only traces left of his worn out Oldsmobile
Satu-satunya sisa bekas Oldsmobile yang sudah usang
Oh, the mist hangs on that mountain like a winter overcoat
Oh, kabut menggantung di gunung itu seperti mantel musim dingin
And the Deputies found him where his wheels left the road
Dan para Deputi menemukannya di mana rodanya meninggalkan jalan